70,000 BCE
Aboriginals Migrate
Australian Aboriginals immigrate from Africa to Australia but isn't proved. -
50,000 BCE
Earliest Human Occupation
Earliest human occupation is proved -
Period: 50,000 BCE to
Proved Human Occupation
Period: 50,000 BCE to 30,000 BCE
Trading Economy
The trading economy was where certain areas traded things for other things. Often they traded with artifacts and stones -
40,000 BCE
Mungo Man
Lived 42000 years ago, studied at Australian National University in Canberra. Living in his 40s, he is six feet tall and very strong/very active. Buried in rich red coat of trees and probably constructing tools using teeth. -
35,000 BCE
Tools were invented -
35,000 BCE
Lived in a different environment to Mongo Man -
35,000 BCE
The sea level is 75 metres below now. -
Period: 25,000 BCE to 35,000 BCE
Intricate Carvings
Intricate, careful carvings were made. -
10,000 BCE
Earliest Maps
The earliest maps were carved on the floor or on stones. -
Captain Cook's arrival in Australia
Captain Cook and his crew arrived in Australia in 1770 and set the British flag. -
First Fleet
The first fleet is 11 ships that carried convicts and supplies to Australia to reduce the overflowing convicts in the British jails. -
Bennelong, a friend of Governor Captain Arthur Phillip, died in 3 January 1813 but no-one knew his birth date. -
Period: to
Stolen Generation
The stolen generation was when aboriginal children were stolen from their family and put into new, British families. Making new names and sending them to British schools to make them think of themselves as British men or women. -
First National Sorry Day Speech
The national sorry speech was said in 2008 by Kevin Rudd to acknowledge the Aboriginals and the Torres Strait Islanders for stealing their lands and stealing their children.