Poland invasion
The Invasion of Poland in 1939 marked the start of World War II. It was led by the Nazis, a small contingent of Slovaks, and the Soviet Union. The invasion from Germany started on September 1, 1939 following the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, while the invasion from the Soviet Union started slightly later on September 17th. The campaign was short lived and ended on October 6, 1939 with the division of Poland by Germany and the Soviet Union. -
US Aiding Britian
Basically the United States said hey give us land to put military stuff on we will give you things to help you win the war your loosing and then that happened -
German invaion of France
The Battle of France, also referred to as The Fall of France, was a battle that took place during the Second World War in May of 1940. German forces invaded areas of France pushing the British Forces (British Expeditionary Force BEF) and French forces (Dunkirk) back to the sea in Operation Dynamo. The battle was organized in two separate operations: The Fall Gelb Operation, also called Case Yellow, and The Fall Rot, also referred to as Case Red. -
London Bombing
The appearance of German bombers in the skies over London during the afternoon of September 7, 1940 heralded a tactical shift in Hitler's attempt to subdue Great Britain. At around 4:00 PM on that September day, 348 German bombers escorted by 617 fighters blasted London until 6:00 PM. Two hours later, guided by the fires set by the first assault, a second group of raiders commenced another attack that lasted until 4:30 the following morning. -
Operation Barbarossa
Operation Barbarossa was the code name given by Nazi Germany to its invasion of the USSR during World War II. The largest military invasion in history, it comprised of more than four million Axis troops, stretched along almost two thousand miles of the Eastern Front. Although the Germans achieved some notable tactical victories during the operation, strategically it was a failure as the Nazis failed to capture Moscow. -
Invasion Of the Soviet Union
Hitler was Hitler and betrayed his ally. He invaded the USSR and was going far. Then winter came and special forces took back a lot of land. Nothing really happened -
Attack on Pear Harbor
On December 7, 1941 the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the US Naval Base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, using bombers, torpedo bombers and midget submarines. They didn't sink any aircraft carriers that was their mistake -
US Getting Involved In the War
On December 8th After pearl harbor the US declared war on Japan. Germany shortly after declared war on the US so we declared war on them too. -
Warsaw Ghetto uprising
A bunch of prisoners in concentration camps fought back. it was life or death -
bataan death march
A few hours following the attack at Pearl Harbor the Japanese attacked American airfields in the Philippines. Badly outnumbered the US and Filipino forces were forced to retreat to the Bataan Peninsula. The forces held out for 99 days but were forced to surrender to the Japanese on April 9 1942. The Bataan Death March in the Philippines was the name given to the 66 mile journey that was endured by 75,000 Japanese prisoners of war consisting of 12,000 Americans and the remainder Filipinos. -
Victory of the Battle Of Midway
The US won the Battle of Midway. This sent japan running home. it was an important win in the war. Some would say the turning point -
D Day
Allied troops composed mostly of British, American and Canadian soldiers mounted the worlds largest ever combined operation. This involved over 175,000 soldiers landing on the coast of Normandy by ship, parachute and glider. These men were armed with tanks and artillery and made a significant beach head on the first day. Landings kept happening after this first day and by the end of June the Allied forces had almost a million men ashore in France pushing the ill-prepared German armies back. -
The Bombings Of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
The US went hey Japan stop that. Japan said make me and we said ok. We Dropped the little boy and said ok japan now were serious stop that. Japan said naw we good. We dropped the fat man and said we had 12 more bombs. Japan soiled themselves and surrendered. Their leader even went on the radio. -
Battle of Iwo Jima
The Japanese and Americans were fighting over this small island. The Japanese had already built two airfields and were constructing a third. The airbases would allow Japan to be able to intercept any B-29 bombers bombing Japan. The United States wanted the island because it would provide them with a fighter base and emergency landing strips for crippled bombers. -
Liberation of concentration camps
All the concentration camps of the world were liberated and all their prisoners released, freed. No more death, persecution, and racism towards them existed -
Battle of the Bulge
The Battle of the Bulge was the only counteroffensive ordered by Hitler. The goal of this battle was to force the Allies into a position to sue for peace. In essence this particular battle was sought by Hitler to be the ultimate game changer. He wanted the outcome of the battle to lead to the end of the war. As history shows us Hitler and Germany did not succeed in their gambit. the outcome of the battle may even have emboldened the Allies to continue to press forward and defeat the Axis powers.