Columbus "discovered" the Americas
Christopher Columbus discovered the countries of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico which he thought were the East Indies around the Spice Islands. -
Martin Luther posts his 95 Thesis
He was a German Monk who nailed his 95 Thesis (a list questioning the practices of the Roman Catholic church) to the door of the Catholic church in Wittenberg Germany. -
King James I becomes King of England
King James I was a king who famously attempted to rule England without the Parliament and believed in the Divine Rights of Kings. -
First attempt to settle Roanoke Island
Sir Walter Raleigh was the first person to discover this island after getting a contract, and then Captain John White came back years later to settle a colony -
Spanish Armada is defeated
England defeated the Spanish Armada after a large storm scattered the Armada giving the English the lead. The English won naming them "Mistress of the Seas". -
Jamestown the colony is founded
Many English men and boys arrived in north America to start a settlement in Virginia which was named Jamestown after their King, James I. This settlement became the first permanent English settlement in North America. -
King James version of the Bible is published
This was the English translation of the Bible for the church of England and was published during the reign of King James I. -
The Pilgrims land in the New World
The Pilgrims were a separate group of Separatists who left England to go to Holland and eventually set out for the New World. They meant to settle near the Hudson River, but they ended up at Cape Cod instead. -
Charles I is executed
He was the son of King James I who was overthrow by Oliver Cromwell and is beheaded.