2000 BCE
Minoan Castles are built
On 2000 BCE in the island of Crete a civilization named the minoan civilization emerged they built very beautiful castles full of frescoes. -
1700 BCE
Minoan Castles are destroyed/rebuilt
On 1700 BCE castles from the minoan civilization in the island of Crete are destroyed by either fires or earthquakes, but later they are rebuilt. -
1550 BCE
Mycenaean Gold Masks
On 1550 BCE gold was very popular on mycenaean civilization so they started making and producing gold masks for the funerals the masks were more detaild as time passed -
Period: 1471 BCE to 1493 BCE
Reign of Tupac Yupanqui
During 1471 and 1493 Tupac Yupanqui reigned the Inca empire, during his reign the empire doubled its size -
1390 BCE
Templo Mayor construction
On 1390 BCE the original construction of the famous Templo Mayor in Tenochtitlán starts. -
753 BCE
Rome is founded
On 753 BCE Rome was founded for two brothers named Romulus and Remus they were saved by a she wolf but later one kills the other and for the next years Rome is ruled by kings. -
509 BCE
Rome Becomes a Republic
On 509 BCE the Romans were tired of having only one ruler so they decided thet to prevent one person to obtain all the power a new form of government should be created and this was the republic. -
450 BCE
General Pericles power
On the 450s general Pericles consolidated his power in Greece -
Period: 431 BCE to 404 BCE
The Peloponnesian War
From 431 to 404 BCE there was a war in Greece called the peloponnesian war -
Period: 27 BCE to 180
Pax Romana
Between 27 BCE to 180 CE there was a period of relative peace in Rome, where there was no civil war an Rome flourished in all the aspects. -
Rome is on fire
On 64 CE there was a huge fire that conumed a lot of Rome, It was started by emoeror Nero who was a very cruel emperor. He blamed christians fof this fire. -
Roman Colloseum is built
On 80 CE the famous Roman Colloseum which will later be a roman icon was built with the purpose of hosting important events and tournaments -
Tayrona people tart poblating the Sierra Nevada
Since 200 CE tayronas have been populating the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta and since it was a mountain they were able to grow and use all types of resources. -
Nov 4, 600
Muisca civilization flourished
On 600 CE The muisca civilization flourished in South America on what we know today as Colombia. -
Nov 4, 700
Maya´s writing system develops
On 700 BCE the maya writing system starts to develop on Mexico -
Nov 4, 900
San Lorenzo is destroyed
On 900 BCE San Lorenzo(The center of this culture) is destroyed, monuments are demolish and La Venta is stated new center.