history timeline

  • sons of liberty

    sons of liberty
    the sons of liberty were a secrete organization formed during the American revolution. they were a group of American colonists who opposed British rule and fought for independence. they organized protests, boycotts, and acts civil disobedience, including the Boston tea party. the son of liberty played a significant role in rallying support for the revolution and were instrumental in the fight for American independence.
  • townshend act 1767

    townshend act 1767
    these acts imposed taxes on various goods imported into the American colonies, such as glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. The colonists strongly opposed these taxes, as they believed it violated their rights to be taxed without representation.
  • boston massacre

    boston massacre
    a group of colonists clashed with British soldiers, resulting in the soldiers firing into the crowd and killing five colonists. This event further fueled tensions between the American colonists and the British government, leading to increased resistance and eventually contributing to the start of the American Revolution.
  • boston tea party act

    boston tea party act
    it was a protest against the Tea imposed by the British Parliament. A group American colonist, disguised as Mohawk Indians, boarded three British ships and dumped chests of tea into the Boston harbor. this act of protest was a significant event leading up to the American Revolution.
  • first continental congress meets

    first continental congress meets
    a gathering of delegates from twelve of the thirteen American colonies. The purpose of the congress was to discuss and address the grievances against British rule and to find peaceful resolution. They drafted a list of rights and grievances called for a boycott of British good. The first Continental Congress played a significant role in uniting the colonies and setting the stage for the American Revolution.
  • battle of bunker hill

    battle of bunker hill
    The battle was actually fought on Breeds Hill, which is nearby Bunker Hill. The American Colonists, led by Colonel William Prescott, fortified the hill and faced off against the British army.
  • battle of yorktown

    battle of yorktown
    it was a decisive battle during the American revolution American and French forces, led by General George Washington and General Comte de Rochambeau, surrounded the British army under General Cornwallis in Yorktown, Virginia. After a siege, the British surrendered , making a major turning point in the war and ultimately leading to American Independence.
  • the great compromise

    the great compromise
    the great compromise was an agreement during the constitutional convention in 1787. it resolved the dispute between large and small states over representation in the legislative branch of the new government. the compromise created a bicameral legislature with the house of representatives based on population and the senate with equal representation of each state. it was a key step in the formation of the united states government.
  • bill of rights adopted

    bill of rights adopted
    its the first ten amendments to the united states constitution. these amendments protect fundamental rights rights and liberties, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the right to fair trial. they were added to the address concerns about individual liberties and limit power of the federal government.