History Timeline

  • 68,000 BCE

    Mungo Man's Ancestors left Africa

    Mungo Man's Ancestors left Africa
    First open ocean crossing.
  • 48,000 BCE

    50,000 years ago is when the first evidence of occupation was found.

    50,000 years ago is when the first evidence of occupation was found.
    This is 10x as old as the Py'ramids of Egypt which is a ctually seen as one of the world'd ancient wonders.
  • 43,000 BCE

    First Evidence of Stone Tools

    First Evidence of Stone Tools
    These stone tools were found to be 40,000 years older than Stone Henge, one of the ancient world wonders.
  • 42,000 BCE

    Mungo Lady Found

    Mungo Lady Found
    Mungo Lady provided a multitude of information for researchers like how the Indigenous People were the first people to have spiritual beliefs.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Mungo Man Lived

    Mungo Man Lived
    30,000-40,000 years ago evidence of the oldest person alive was found. He was found in a burial position that made hime be believed to be a priest. MUngo Man was surprisingly 6ft tall and after intense study was said to be very strong and athletic with potential arthiritis.
  • 1787 BCE

    The First Fleet set out from England.

    The First Fleet set out from England.
    On May 13th 1787 the First Fleet set out from Portsmouth to go to Australia.
  • Captain Cook claims Australia

    Captain Cook claims Australia
    Captain cook claims the Eastern half of Australia as british land in 1770.
  • The First Fleet arrived.

    The First Fleet arrived.
    In 1788 the First Fleet arrived in Botany Bay.
  • Bennelong was captured by Philip.

    Bennelong was captured by Philip.
    In November of 1789 Bennnelong was captured by order of Captain Phillip so they could better understand the natives.
  • Colony of Western Australia was found

    In 1829 Captain James Stirling founded the Western Colony.
  • South Australia Established

    In 1836 South Australia was founded with Adelaide as it's capital.
  • First Australia Day

    First Australia Day
    50 years after the First Fleet arrived the first Australia day was celebrated. Foundation Day was seen as the first national holiday in Australia.
  • The Gold Rush

    In several different places gold was found leading to the gold rushes over the next 10 years.
  • The First test cricket match was played.

    The first cricket test math was played between England and Australia.
  • Australia was Federated

    Australia was Federated
    Australia was colonated when the 6 colonies of Australia joined togetgher to make the Australian Commonwealth.
  • The Currency In Australia was Introduced

    The Currency In Australia was Introduced
    9 years after Australia was federated as a nation, a currency based off the british currency system pounds, shillings and pence.
  • Period: to

    Stolen Generation

    The Stolen Generation lasted between these times.
  • Canberra

    Canberra is founded and designated as the capital of Australia.
  • Period: to

    World War 1

    Australia supported Britains war efforts and sent hundreds of thousands of troops to help.
  • Sorry Day

    Sorry Day
    Kevin Rudd gave the Sorry Speech to say sorry about the wrongs that the Aboriginal People suffered from because of the british colonisers.