History timeline

  • 10,000 BCE


    The first Neolithic
  • Period: 10,000 BCE to 6000 BCE


    Prehistory is the period from the appearance of the first human beings to the invention of writing. Prehistory Division: 2,500,000 years B.C. up to 3,500 years B.C.
  • 6000 BCE

    Age of metals

    Age of metals
    The Metal Age is the period of Prehistory comprised approximately between the IV and the I millennium BC in Spain. The Metal Age succeeds the Stone Age in the evolution of humanity, and constitutes the final stage of Prehistory.
  • 3300 BCE


  • Period: 3300 BCE to 476


    Thus, the Ancient Age began in the year 4,000 BC, with the birth of writing, and ended in the year 476 AD, with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, an event with which the Middle Ages began.
  • 476

    Fall Roman Empire

    Fall Roman Empire
    Odoacer, King of the Heruli, overthrows the last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustulus, on September 4, 476.
  • Period: 476 to 1492

    Middle age

    The Middle Ages is the historical period from the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476) to the Discovery of America (1492). This long historical period, also known as feudalism, was a social, political and economic organization based on land and vassalage.
  • 1492

    Discovery of America

    Discovery of America
    In this way, on October 12, 1492 Christopher Columbus arrived in what we know today as America when he met the Antilles and landed on the island of Guanahaní, which he baptized with the name of San Salvador (later he arrived in the current territories of Santo Domingo and Cuba)
  • Period: 1492 to

    Modern Age

    The Modern Age is the historical stage that takes place between the fifteenth and eighteenth centuries. In contrast to the Middle Ages, the Modern Age is characterized by cultural progress, discoveries, the creation of States, the development of the economy worldwide and a greater weight of reason over faith.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    What was the French Revolution? The French Revolution was a period of major social upheaval that began in 1787 and ended in 1799. It sought to completely change the relationship between the rulers and those they governed and to redefine the nature of political power.
  • Period: to

    contemporary age

    he Contemporary Age is the historical stage that runs from the French Revolution (1789) to the present. This period is characterized by events such as the industrial revolutions, the two world wars, scientific and technological advances, and the establishment of a capitalist economy.
  • Present

    The age that we live