History Timeline

  • Regina riot

    Regina riot
    • The workers wanted better work conditions
    • The workers went on a strike to get what they wanted
    • All of the workers went to Regina
    • The workers went to Regina because their leader was there
  • aboriginals

    The first nation people were able to join the war from the start of world war two unlike world war one. The native people were happy to be able to help their country without having to fight to get the ability.
  • Jewish people

    Jewish people
    The Jews wanted to leave Germany because they were no longer welcome in their own country. A boat full of Jews went from country to country trying to find a new place to live but no one would let the Jews in. By the time that the Jews came to Canada they weren't allowed because the prim minister said that none was too many.
  • japanese

    Japanese people who live in Canada at this time were forced to leave. The Japanese had to either go to a camp or go back to Hong Kong even though most of the Japanese Canadians haven't been to Hong Kong before.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    Pearl Harbor attack
    • It was a battle between the Japanese and the USA
    • It happened in Hawaii in December
    • They attacked with Japanese plains
  • Dieppe raid

    Dieppe raid
    This battle was a battle that caused a lot of Canada's allies to be taken as prisoner. The fact that so many people were taken prisoner it help people who are part of the army understand how to improve.
  • Juno Beach

    Juno Beach
    • Juno beach was a 10k wide area
    • Canadians were planning to cut off road access to limit the power of the other forces
    • They Canadians learned how powerful the German army was and it help them understand that the German army was able to protect any ports
  • VJ day

    VJ day
    • The day that Japan surrender to the allies
    • It was the last war of the second world war
    • Very important to the second world war because it ended all wars
    • The allies won the war because the Japanese surrendered