History Timeline

By 194151
  • Munich Crisis

    Munich Crisis
    An agreement, known as the appeasement, was signed by France and Britain with Hitler to avoid the outbreak of war. Czechoslovakia gave up their lands to Germany so their was "Time of peace." The appeasement has failed and in March 1939 Germany sent troops into Czechoslovakia and divided up their lands, making Czech and Slovakia two different countries. Czech became Germans Protectorate and Slovakia was under Germans control.
  • Austrian Anschluss

    Austrian Anschluss
    Hitler wants to expand Germany's territory. Hitler threatens to invade German speaking Austria. At this time Austria's chancellor gave in to this demand and Hitler got Germany and Austria.
  • Hitler Demands Danzig

    Hitler Demands Danzig
    Hitler wanted the city of Danzig to be under control by Germany. Also for a highway and a railroad to be built accross Poland, to seperate western Germany from Eastern Prussia. Poland refused Hitlers orders knowing that Britain and France would help them fight for their land. Hitler ordered to invade Poland and started negotiations with the Soviets.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    An nonaggression treaty was signed both by Germany and the USSR to be on the same side with no war occurring. Most of the world was shocked because Nazism and Communism are supposed to be opposed to each other. Less did they know, there was a secret deal stating that when Poland is divided in half, one half would be in control by Germany and the other half would be in control by the Soviet Union.
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    After WW1, France built a Maginot Line that protected France from Germany, but not Belgium. Germans created a plan of invading 3 countries and than to invade France from the Belgium border. As Germany was invading Luxembourg, the British and French forces expected it and rushed north towards Belgium.The Germans went through the Ardennes Mountains where it would be rough for French tanks to get through. Germans easily smashed through French Borders and Britain and France were trapped in Belgium.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    When Germany invaded Poland, 2 days later Britain and France joined in and World War 2 has begun. Poland did not have an modern time army they still rode horses and carried lances, while the Germany army had tanks and a new type of warfare called "Blitzkrieg." The Polish Capital was all filled by Germans and therefore, Germany won.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Germany sent their air force to attack British ships in June. During this war there were many bombings in Britains Capital and Germany's Capital. Hitler wanted the British to surrender as he was terrorizing them.Britain created a technology called the Radar, that notified them when a foreign aircraft was crossing its borders into Britain.More and more loses to the British happened everyday.Both sides lost pilots and their plaines got destroyed.Eventually Hitler canceled the invasion of Britain.
  • Miracle at Dunkirk

    Miracle at Dunkirk
    Britains only hope was to evacuate their survivors by sea, but Germany captured all the channels except one, Dunkirk. Out of the sudden when Germany was closing in on it, Hitler ordered them to stop. Hitler provided a 3 day delay where it helped British troops to strengthen up. While Britain was hoping to evacuate at least 45,000 troops, it ended up being about 338,000 of British and French troops.