history timeline

  • French and Indian War

    war over upper Ohio River
  • Industrial Revolution

    new manufactured goods that opened up new jobs
  • Spinny Jenny Invented

    very useful invention
  • Boston Massacre

    British soldiers killed unarmed Americans
  • Tea Act

    tax on tea placed by Britain
  • Boston Tea Party

    Colonist threw tons of tea into Boston Harbor
  • First Continental Congress

    meeting with 12 delegates of the original colonies
  • Intolerable Acts

    laws passed by Britain after the Boston Tea Party
  • American Revolution

    America gained Independence from Britain
  • Declaration of Independence

    13 colonies declaring freedom from Britain
  • Washington elected president

  • Bill of Rights ratified

  • Cotton Gin invented

    useful invention created in the Industrial Revolution
  • John Adams elected president

  • Thomas Jefferson elected

  • Louisiana Purchase

    Section of land purchased for 15 million dollars that makes up a large amount of the US today
  • Slave Trade abolished

    prohibited slave trade in the British empire
  • War of 1812

    war between US and Britain over British violations of US rights
  • Missouri Compromise

    maintaining a balance between slave and nonslave states
  • Andrew Jackson elected

  • Indian Removal Act

  • Mexican War

    a war between US and Mexico. Mexico lost and was forced to give Texas independence along with the land that now makes up Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, and Utah
  • Harriet Tubman escapes slavery