History Timeline 1713 - 1850

  • Explorer "Jacque Ccartier" Settles in North America.

    French Explorer "Jacque Cartier" Settled in North America only to soon after build and establish the Colony of "New France". Jaque Cartier also made temperary amends with the aboriginals living on the land at the time.
  • The Treaty of Utrecht

    The Treaty of Utrecht was the result of multiple peace treaties signed between the British and the French in order to end the Spanish “War of Succession” which was started after the King of Spain "King Charles the 2nd" died. This treaty would be one factor that would later lead to the creation of the European Union in 1993.
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    Explusion Of The Acadians

    The Expulsion of The Acadians was decided by the British after worries broke out that the Acadians would betray the British. The Acadians were given two options, Pledge allegiance to the British Crown or going to the Thirteen Colonies. Pledging allegiance to the British Crown meant that they were able to keep their rights and freedom. However, it also meant that they were unable to keep their religion and culture.
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    The Seven Years War

    The Seven Years War was a war between the French and the English that took place in North America. It lasted for about Seven Years and in the end, the British took Victory against the French. This act impacted history as this would lead to many more conflicts that would take place between the French and the English.
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    The American Revolution

    The American Revolution was the revolution of British colonists settled in the 13 colonies. These people became “Patriots” and formed riots and protests disagreeing with the tax acts coming into place. This impacted history because, if the Patriots didn't win, the United States of America wouldn't exist.
  • The Townshend Act

    The Townshend Act was an act passed by the British Parliament, raising taxes on products such as Glass, Tea, and much more. This act caused many riots and protests to breakout as it was during the start of the American Revolution.
  • The Quebec Act

    The Quebec act gave French people in British North America freedom of religion and allowed them to have more rights.
  • The Constitution Act

    The Constitution Act was passed by the British parliament that divided Quebec into two colonies that would later be named “Upper and Lower Canada”.
  • The War of 1812

    The War Of 1812 was between the British North Americans and The Americans. This war was fought by the Americans for the control of all of North America. The British North Americans fought in order to keep their independence from the Americans. In the end, British North America won against the Americans. This act impacted history as if the British didn't win, people in Canada would be speaking fluent French. They would also most likely have mroe french Cultural backgrounds rather than English.
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    Rebellion in Lower and Upper Canada

    The rebellions were formed against the British and took place in both Lower and Upper Canada. It was formed in Lower Canada by the French settled there, and it was formed in Upper Canada by the British setlled there. This impacted history as it gave the British a nudge as to what was the problem with the relations between Lower and Upper Canada. This nudge would eventually lead to the Union Act of 1840.
  • The Union Act of 1840

    The Union Act was an act that joined Lower and Upper Canada into one province, under one government. This province was named the "Province of Canada". This act was passed by the British Parliment in order to bring peace between both colonies. This act impacted history as it was the first stepping stone to creating the Country of Canada.
  • The British North America Act

    The British North America Act (Or the constitution act of 1867) was an act passed by the British parliament which declared and united most provinces of British North America as one country called; Canada. This act was passed in order to strengthen the power of the provinces and British North America as a whole. This lead to the creation of the "Confederation of Canada."