history timeline

  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    As president I was preoccupied with the great depression and its consequences for the U.S, & the whole entire world. During this time in 1933 Hitler has been causing havoc to all the jews and any other race.
  • germany invasion on poland

    germany invasion on poland
    after the invasion of poland began the british and french ambassadors in berlin deleivered identical messages to the german foreign ministry stating that if germany did not withdraw their troops from poand britain and france would fullfill their obligations to poland without hesiataion. hitler invaded poland in an attempt to regain polish land that had been lost with the signing of the treaty of versailes.
  • Axis spies

    Axis spies
    like many government officials and ordinary Americans, suspected that refugees from German controlled Europe were potential Axis spies, who would provide intelligence to the enemy and who, if permitted to settle freely in the United States. in the event of a German or Japanese invasion.
  • germany blitzberg

    germany blitzberg
    blitzreig worked in phases, the first phase being a heavy bombardent by artllery. first, it demoralized , depresses and kept soldiers anxious; secondly, it damaged the buildings, lilled men and wasted supplies. the idea of the blitekrieg was to hit hard and fast, leaving no time to counter-attack.
  • warsaw ghetto uprising

    warsaw ghetto uprising
    The Warsaw Ghetto uprising saw an armed resistance by Jews in 1943. The local Jewish population struggled against Nazi oppression, killing a number of Nazi soldiers. Eventually, the Nazi establishment killed approximately 13,000 Jews and rounded up the rest while 300 German troops were killed.Many Jews in ghettos across eastern Europe tried to organize resistance against the Germans and to arm themselves with smuggled and homemade weapons. Between 1941 and 1943, underground resistance movements
  • allied invasion of italy

    allied invasion of italy
    After defeating Italy and Germany in the North African Campaign (November 8, 1942-May 13, 1943) of World War II (1939-45), the United States and Great Britain, the leading Allied powers, looked ahead to the invasion of occupied Europe and the final defeat of Nazi Germany.
  • Roosevelt & Winston Churchill team up

    Roosevelt & Winston Churchill team up
    Roosevelt and WInston churchill determained that the number one allied priority was to win the war & best method to rescue jews and other victims to the Axis power.
  • d-day (normandy invasion- 1944)

    d-day (normandy invasion- 1944)
    allies forces crossedthe english channel with the intention of invading german-occupied france. by sunset on june 6th 1944 d-day the british and us soldiers had breached hitlers alantic wall on the coast of normandy. D-day hapened in order to end world war two in europe. caused much derstrucion and deaths.