Graph showing lynching in the US after Jesse Washington
After Jesse Washington was lynched the rates of lynching went down drastically. This is because people saw how bad these actions were and the effects it had on society. -
The Scottsboro Boys
These boys were nine Africans Americans teenagers that were accused of raping a white woman. These teenagers were all dealt to very serious consequences for their actions even though there was no evidence proving this claim. This event was significant because these boys were affected negatively even though there was no evidence proving they did anything. -
The green book was published
The Green Book allowed Black Americans to travel safely through the south and know safe places to stop to avoid danger and violence. This is significant because African Americans now had the opportunity to travel without worry and avoid discrimination along the way. They knew safe places to stop and eat, sleep for the night, and get gas to have a successful trip. The Green Book contained all this information. -
Graph of colored athletes after Jackie Robinson
After Jackie Robinson was signed into the MLB the rate of other African Americans making it into the Major leagues increased drastically. -
Integrating Schools
When discrimination of African Americans started to become erased and small things like segregations of schools started to change. This also tied into the 14th amendment that came along during this time. -
Brown vs Board of education
The Brown vs Board of education was a Supreme Court case that ended racial segregation. This case stopped the “Separate but Equal” doctrine that was created in 1896. This event was significant because some students weren’t welcome in public schools due to their race. The Brown vs Board of education positively changed the American society because it ended Racial Segregation in public schools which had a large impact on students of different race. -
Map showing segregation in schools before Brown Vs Board
This map shows the level of segregation in each state prior to Brown vs Board of education. The darkest color (Red) shows the highest segregation. -
“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it’s right.” - Rosa Parks
This quote from Rosa parks shows the effects her actions had on the society. For example, after her actions people started to fallow her lead and stood up for what they knew was right. -
Emmett Till
Emmitt Till was a 14 year old African American boy who was abducted and tortured until being killed later that day. He was abducted by two white men after being accused of offending a white woman. The men who killed Emmitt Till never got punished for their actions. This event is significant because it brought reality to the society and worked as evidence of segregation. The two white men never got punished because the society didn’t want to punish a white citizen for killing a black boy. -
Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was caused by a combination of factors including the Cold War, the 1954 Geneva Accords, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident which lead to a great deal of destruction. -
Little Rock Nine
The Little Rock nine was nine African American students who integrated to Little Rock high school. These students were highly segregated against and treated very poorly by the teachers and other students. Later president Eisenhower sent the military to protect and walk with the students at Little Rock high school as a fight against segregation. -
WoolWorths Sit In
This event took place when 4 African American college students sat down at a lunch counter and requested service but was refused. -
Freedom rider
They rode interstate buses into segregated southern states. -
Map of Freedom Riders
This map shows where the freedom riders went un the bus as they traveled through the south to fights against segregation on buses and transportation. -
Albany Movement
This movement that took place was aimed to end all forms of racial segregation in the cities. -
Quote from MLK
This quote from Martian Luther King inspired African Americans and white Americans to work together for what everyone knows is right. His speech helped America come together and work hard for the fight for equality. -
Children Crusade
The children crusade was over 1,000 black children walking down the sidewalk in Alabama as a protest to fight against segregation. The police and firefights did anything in there power to stop these children. They Got fire-housed down and police dogs sent to attack these kids. This event caused change because after this event people from all over America saw the violence. Actions were quickly made to stop segregation in the south due to the violence that never should have happened. -
March On Washington
This protest was taken place to advocate for civil rights and economic rights for their fellow African Americans. With thousands and thousands of people showing up to support one another in this movement. -
16th Street Church Bombing
This tragic event occurred when the KKK had planted a bomb in a church segregated to religious Black people in the community. Because of this 4 innocent girls were killed during a Sunday service. -
JFK assassination
President murdered -
I Have a Dream Speech
The I have a Dream Speech spoken by Martian Luther King was watched by everyone in the society no matter the race. This speech influenced people to work together and fight for equality until it is fully reached. This is significant because it had a positive impact on the society. For example, the American Society was changed because Black Americans started to speak up and stand up for what they know is right. -
Civil Rights Act 1964
This act prohibited discrimination of anyone in any public place. -
Chart Showing Voting Rights
This chart shows the voting registration before and after the Voting Rights Act of 1965. After the act was created the numbers of Black voting registration increased highly. -
Malcolm X Assassination
This man was shot inside Harlems Audubon Balleron by 3 men that were part of the nation Islam. -
MLK Death
Martian Luther King was assassinated at the age of 39. The equality he was fighting for continued to spread through America but after his death we started to revert back to our old ways and go back to violence. Riots broke out and anger filled the society. His death did energize the Black Power movement and fight for equality. People took his ways and worked hard for what they knew was right. -
Fair Housing Act
The fair housing act was an event that restricted discrimination while selling homes. This was significant because now black Americans had the same opportunity to homes as other Americans in the society. The fair housing act event changed the American society positively because black Americans now had the same opportunities as everyone else in the community when buying homes. They couldn’t be discriminated against when buying homes. -
Chart showing African American Housing after the Fair Housing Act
This chart shows the level of Black Americans living in different places throughout Chicago in relation to White Americans in the same area. Due to the fair housing act the percentages are similar. -
Executive order 1981
The Executive Order 1981 was signed by president Harry Truman in 1948. This event is significant because it desegregated the US military and established an adversary committee. The committee created examined the rules and practices of the Military. This event changed the American Society because with the Military being desegregated other groups in the American society would be encouraged to do the same. This had a positive impact on the American society. -
Bus Boycott
All started when Rosa parks sat on the back of the bus and didn’t get up for a white man -
Colin Powell
Was a very powerful Black American that was appointed the first Black Secretary of State.