History Timeline

  • Roanoke Island

    Roanoke island was a lost colony
  • James Town

    first permanent English settlement
  • House of Burgessess

    First representative assembly in the New world
  • Mayflower Compact

    Document signed for a self government
  • Roger WIllams

    Funded Rhode Island for religous resons
  • Navagation Acts

    Regulating colonial commerce to suit English needs
  • Nathaniel Bacon

    He started Bacons Rebellion
  • William Penn

    William Penn founded Pennsylvania
  • Salem

    In MA. 20 alleged witches were executed by special court
  • Great Awakening

    Religious revival began
  • Benjamin Franklin

    Published Poorr Richards Almanack
  • John Peter Zenger

    Aquitted for criticizing the Brittish governors conduct in office
  • French and Idanian War

    French and Indain war began, french lost Canada and the Midwest
  • Sugar act

    Taxed on goods to pay for the French and Indian War
  • Quarting act

    Requiring colonist to house british troops during the war
  • Townshend acts

    Taxes on glass, painters lead, paper and tea
  • Boston Massacre

    British soilders fired into a grounp of colonist killin four. Crispus Attacks
  • Boston Tea party

    protest on the taxes on tea throew the cargo the board
  • Intolerable acts

    the loss of the tea must be payed for
  • Paul Revere

    midnight run to tell the patriots that the british that they were on they're way to Concord
  • Lexington

    minuteman lost 8 british had 273 casualties
  • Common Sense

    A phamplet that described pro independence written by Thomas Piane
  • Declaration of Independence

    the document that declared independence
  • Articles of Confederation

    adopted by the contiental Congress
  • Saratoga

    Burgoyne surrnender 5,000 men at this place
  • John Paul Jones

    On the Bonhomme Richard defeated Serpais in British North sea waters
  • Yorktown

    3,000 Frenched stopped british
  • Paris Peace Treaty

    Reconigzing American independence congress ratified it in Jan. 1784
  • Constitutional Convention

    delaware became first state
  • NorthWest oridence

    NW territory north of ohio riverwest of NYC staehood and freedoom of religion
  • George Washingoton

    chosen the fisrt president
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights were submitted
  • Eli Whitney

    Created the cotton gin reviving southern slavery
  • Washingtons Farewell Address

    His Farewell Address talked bout how not to form foregin , and not to form politacal parties
  • Louisana

    lousiana was purchased for 11,250,000
  • Robert Fulton

    Made first practical steamboat
  • War of 1812

    war wasr between france britian and the U.S
  • Star Spangled Banner

    writtin by Francis Scott Key
  • Missouri Compromise

    Bill passed by congress slavery was allowed in missouri but not west of mississippi river
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Opposing European intervention in the americas
  • Trail of Tears

    Cherokee was forced to walk the trail of tears from Georgia to Oaklahoma
  • Samuel.B Morse

    sent the first telegraph, also invinted it
  • Gold

    Gold was discoverd in california
  • Woman Activist

    Lucretia Mott Elisabeth Stanton led Seneca Falls, NY womans rights convetion
  • Compromise of 1850

    Addmitted California as a free state but any other state gained by mexico has the freedom to choose if its a free or slave state
  • Harriet Beecher Stowe

    authore of uncle toms cabin
  • Dred Scott

    Dred scott was a slave who sued for gis freedom, denied because he was not a citizen
  • Abraham Licoln

    Abraham Licoln was elected president of the U.S
  • Conderarte America

    7 Southern states set up Confederate States of America
  • Civil War

    Civil War began as Confederate states fired at Ft. Sumter
  • Battle of Antietam

    Bloodiest battle of the Civil War
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Freeing all slaves in areas still in rebellion
  • Gettysburg Address

    Licolns Address
  • Appomattox Court House

    Robert E. Lee surrenderd
  • Licoln Death

    Licoln was shot by John Wilks Booth in A movie theatre
  • 13 Admendment

    Abolishing slavery
  • 14 Admendment

    Providing citizenship to people born in the U.S
  • 15 Admendment

    Making race no bar to voting rights
  • Clara Barton

    founded the American Red Cross