History Timeline

  • Jun 24, 1497

    Cabot's discovery of newfoundland

  • Jan 25, 1534

    Cartier's discovery of Canada

  • Champlain Founds Quebec City

  • Maisonneuve Founds Montreal

  • Hudson Bay Company Founded

  • Treaty Of Utrecht

  • Battle Of Louisbourg

  • Period: to

    Battle Of Louisbourg

  • Fall of Quebec

  • Paris Treaty

  • Quebec Act

  • Northwest Company Founded

  • Constitutional Act Of 1791

  • Red River Settlement Founded

  • End of the war of 1812

  • Union Act

  • Responsible Government Created

  • Charlottetown Conference

  • Confederation

  • Manitoba Joins Canada

  • Period: to

    Northwest Rebellion (Batoche)

  • Louis Riel Executed

  • Assassination Of Franz Ferdinand

  • Battle Of Ypres 2

  • Period: to

    Battle of The Somme

  • Period: to

    Battle Of The Somme

  • Armistice Day

  • Treaty Of Versailles

  • Period: to

    Start Of World War II

  • D-Day

  • Victory In Europe Day

  • Manitoba Joins Canada