History Timeline

  • The Cuban Revolt Against Spain Begins

    The Cuban Revolt Against Spain Begins
    The Cubans revolted against the Spanish which started the Ten Year War. They were fighting for independence. They did not win it , but it led to the abolishment of slavery in 1886.
  • Mahan's Theory For Greatness

    Mahan's Theory For Greatness
    Mahan said to become an empire we needed to have 4 things. First a strong 2 ocean navy, and also to take control of the Hawaiian Islands and Caribbean Islands. The last thing was to creat a canal going through Pancama.
  • Jose Marti Revolts Against Spain

    Jose Marti Revolts Against Spain
    Jose Marti led the second war of Independance in Cuba. He got the US involved by destroying American property.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    A key factor in the Americans getting involved in the war was "Yellow Journalism" Yellow journalism is when reporters over exaggerate the stories. This created mayhem in the US
  • Spanish Responds To Cuba

    Spanish Responds To Cuba
    Spanish sent General Valeriano Weylor to restore Cuba to order. He did this by driving Cuban civilians into concentration camps. Hundreds of thousands of civilians died
  • De Lome Letter

    De Lome Letter
    Enrique Dupuy de Lome, a Spanish minister, wrote a Private letter criticizing Presedent McKinley. When a rebel in Cuba got his hands on it, it was soon published to the Americans. This created outrage.
  • USS Maine

    USS Maine
    The USS Maine was a ship that was suppose to bring Americans home from Cuba. It exploded killing over 260 men. The Americans blamed it on Spain and thought of it as another good reason to go to war
  • War in Caribbean

    War in Caribbean
    US Navy takes control in Cuba and is able to Take over Puerto Rico. Spanish Later surrender in August.
  • Filipino War

    Filipino War
    American Fleet open fired on on the Spanish at Manila Bay. They easily destroyed the Spanish ships. The victory allowed America to take over the Philipine islands as well.
  • San Juan Hill

    San Juan Hill
    The Battle of San Jaun Hill was a battle in Cuba near Santiago led by the Rough Riders. Teddy Roosevelt was a leader of the Rough Riders that led them to victory. He came out a hero.
  • Cease-Fire Agreement

    Cease-Fire Agreement
    This agreement ended the fighting in the Spanish/American War. The fight lasted only 16 weeks.
  • Treaty Of Paris

    Treaty Of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris was the treaty that ended the Spanish/American war. It was a huge step to becoming an Empire.
  • Annexation of Hawwaii

    Annexation of Hawwaii
    America decided to annex Hawaii soon after they annexed the Philipines and puerto rico.
  • Imperialized America

    Imperialized America
    After the treaty of Paris passed and we took control of all the islands , it was obvious that the US had become an Empire.