history timeline

By traxxas
  • roanoke

    roanoke the lost colony
  • jamestown

    jamestown founded
  • house of burgesses

    first representative government on u.s soil
  • mayflower compact

    agreement of self government
  • rhode island founded

    rhode island founded
  • navigation act

    navigation act
  • bacon's rebellion

    nathanial bacon led rebellious plantation slaves and burned jamestown
  • pennsylvania

    william penn made the payment for pennsylvania
  • witchcraft dillusion

    witch craft dillusion is salem
  • great awakening

    a religiouss awakening led to protests in philidalphia
  • first poor richard's almanac

    last of the thirteen colonies chartered
  • john peter zenger

    zenger trial freedom of speech
  • french and indian war

    war between france and native americans
  • sugar act

    tax on sugar imposed
  • stamp act

    a taxation act on paper
  • townshend acts

    made to punish the american colonists
  • boston massacre

    british troops fired into a bosron mob killing five incldeing crispus attucks the leader of the mob
  • the boston tea party

    tea was thrown overboard as a protest on the tea act
  • the intolorable acts

    use of the boston harbor was prohibited until tea was paid for
  • lexington and concord

    first two battles of the revolutionary war and included the midnight ride
  • common sense

    thomas paine published the common sense quickly sold some 100000 coppies
  • bank of america

    bank of america incorperated
  • paris peace treaty

    britian sighned the paris peace treaty recogniseing american indipendance
  • constitutional convention

    constitution accepted by delegates
  • cotton gin

    cleaned fifty times more cotton than a regular cotton machiene
  • washington's farewell adress

    a speech against foreign alliances with foreign powers big public debt and devices of small artful enterpriseing minority
  • marbury v.s madison

    supreme court for the first time overturned a u.s law
  • lewis and clark expidition

    lewis and clark set out to explore the new louisiana territory
  • first practical steamboat trip

    robert fulton took the firs practical steamboat trip
  • the war of 1812

    had three main causes britian seized u.s ships seised 4,000 neutralized u.s sailors britian armed native americans who raided western border
  • oliver hazard perry

    battle of lake erie won
  • burned white house

    the british launched an assault on the american acapitol and burned the white house
  • the missouri compromise

    bill passed in congress slavery allowed in missouri but not west of the mississippi river
  • the monroe doctrine

    stated that the british could no longer interfere with u.s shipping
  • trail of tears

    natives where forced off of thier land and into a native american reserve
  • samuel.f.b.morse

    created the morse code machiene
  • seneca falls

    women's rights convention
  • uncle tom's cabin

    a book published on the cruelty of slavery
  • dread scott

    slave who went to court to sewed and was turned down because he was not a u.s citizen
  • abraham lincoln elected president

    abraham lincoln selected president
  • civil war began

    a war over slavery within the u.s
  • battle of antinam

    the bloodiest battle if the civil war
  • gettysburg adress

    a speech delivered at the battlefeild of getty'sburg
  • robert e lee surrendered

    Lee surrendered troops at the appottox court house
  • 14th ammendment

    provideing citizenship to people born and neutralized in the u.s
  • 15th ammendment

    all races where now allowed to vote
  • american red cross

    clara barton orginized the american red cross