history time line

  • Quaker established Friends Public School

    in the late 1600s believing that spiritual, social and intellectual growth linked, friends have always stressed that importance an education that supports the over all development of the child
  • Boys Latin School

    1636 first public school in America and focused on preparing young men for college
  • early Colonial Education

    17th century education was in early was hardly formal. During the colonial period
  • Boston Opens America first public high school

    in 1821 is one of the first public high schools in the united states. Originally called the English classical school, it was renames upon its first relocation in 1924
  • common school movement

    1830 until 1872 in the 1830s Horace man a Massachusetts legislator and secretary of that states board of education, began to advocate for the creation of public schools that would be universally available to all children, free of charge and founded by that State
  • Progressive Era

    the progressive era was a period in the united states during the early 20th century of widespread social and political reform waste, and inefficiency
  • Civil Rights Movement

    late 1940s the movement had its origins in the reconstruction era during the late 19th century and had its modern roots in the late 1940s
  • United States vs Lopez

    reaffirmed certain limits on congressional power. there Alphonso Lopez was arrested for carrying a concealed weapon into his school. he was charged under the gun free school zones act of 1990, a congressional law that banned people from bringing guns into school zones
  • Brown vs Board of Education

    state sanctioned of public schools was a violation of the 14th amendment and was therefore nonconstitutional
  • Engel vs Vitale-

    1962 landmark supreme court decision that strucl down orayer in public schools
  • Tinker vs Des Monies

    1969 at a public school in Des Monies, Lowa students organized a silent protest against the vietman war, students planned to wear black armbands to school to protest the fighting but the principal found out and told the students they would be suspended if they wore the armbands
  • Lemon vs Kurtzman

    Lemon was the father of a child who attended Pennsylvania public schools. Lemon claimed to have paid the specific tax to support non- secular schools under the act. the district court found that the act did not violate the establishment or free exercise clauses of the first amendment
  • Board of Education v Rowley

    a united states supreme court case concerning the interpretation of the education for all handicapped children act of 1975
  • Plyler vs Doe

    1982 US Supreme court case of Plyer v Doe which made it possible for undocumented children to enroll in Texas public schools, was a watershed moment for immigrants rights in the united states
  • New Jersey v TLO

    in new jersey high school a teacher found two girls smoking in the bathroom and took them to the principal's office. one girl admitted to smoking but the other knowns as TLO
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    was a act of congress promoted by the presidency of George v Bush. it reauthorized the elementary and secondary education act and included title i provisions applying to disadvantaged students
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    2002 a major reform initiated by president George v bush. it reauthorized the elementary and secondary education act and included title i provisions applying to disadvantaged students
  • Forest Grove School District vs T

    april 28 2009 as ta was no longer enrolled in the forest grove school district but attending private school, the hearing officer ordered the school district to reimburse ta for the private school tuition ($5,200 per month), determining it had failed to offer him a free and appropriate public education