History Time line

  • Oct 20, 1492

    Columbus Finds America

    Columbus Finds America
    The Nina, The Pinta, and the Santa Maria Doc in America for the first time after months of sailing. The "New World" is consdered officially discovered.
  • 13 Origianl Colonies.

    The 13 original Colionies are established, starting with virginia in 1607, and ending with North Carolina in 1789. The Colonies include Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.
  • French/Indian War

    The French and Indian war went on from 1756 to 1763. The war was between France and British Colononies, who both wanted to expand their ownership of land in the New World. It started with the Batlle of Fort Neecessity, and ended with the Treaty of Paris.
  • Industrial Revolution

    THe industrial Revolution was the general shift in the way everything was manufactored, BEfore things were mainly created by people, on their own in their homes, Throughout and after the industrial revolution, there was a large increase in factories and mass production, which changed the way our government, economy , jobs and general manufactoring works forever.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Massacre was THe Colonies wqy of fighting against taxation. Samuel Adams through hundreds of chests of tea over board whcih was worth extreme amounts of money. Several colonies also refused to except tea shipments.
  • The Constitution

    The Constitution is more or less a list of the Rights of Americans and what their freedom does and does not enable them to do. The constitution was wrote by James Madison.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark set out on their expedition with Indiginous Shosone woman, Sacagawea. The Expedition Span across from St.Louis to Oregon (Pacific Ocean) and took over two years. They were the first Colinists to travel to West America.
  • Misouri Compromise

    The Misouri Compromise was a debate as to whether or not misouri should be a slave free stae. At the time, the country was completely divided ikn half between slave and slave free, and Misouri would off set that balance to either way.
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas was the first violent outbreak that helped lead to the Civiil war. States were able to vote whter or not they wanted to abolish slavery in their states. The south became immesnsly angered when people from the Norh begun flooding into the soth to try and manipulate the vote to be Anti-Slavery.
  • Revolutionary War

    The Revollutionary war the war that gained the 13 Colonies their freedom and independance from England. It started with the Battle of Lexington and Concord, and ended with the Battle of Yorktown, where America gained it's freedom.