History thingy

  • Period: to


  • Ethiopia and Eritrea

    United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea (UNMEE) where 450 Canadian personnel were deployed to verify a ceasefire. Mission lasted from August 2000 to June 2003
  • Sierra Leone

    International Military Advisory Training Team, originally composed of Canadian 8 personnel has increased to 11. British led mission to restore peace and stability in this West African country is still ongoing.
  • Democratic Republic of Congo

    Canada contributed two aircrafts and about 50 personnel for the month of June to this French led operation.
  • Haiti

    United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti. Originally 602 peronnel sent. Canada is still contributing 66 civilian police and 5 military personnel.
  • Sudan

    The two personnel originally assigned to this mission have been increased to more than 100. About 60 personnel are currently still in this mission. They are providing support in headquarters and training in the use of military vehicles in the troubled Darfur region.
  • United States

    Operation UNISOM. 900 personnel including navy divers, three vessels and engineers provided relief to the Southern United States after Hurricane Katrina. Completed in one month October 2005.
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina

    In November 2005, European military force assumed command from NATO. There are about 24 personnel still in the Balkans with the Task Force Balkans and EUFOR Liaison and Observation Teams. Since 1992 more than 40,000 Canadians have served in the Balkans.
  • Afghanistan

    In February Canadian troops moved from Kabul to Kandahar to assume command of the Multi National Brigade for Regional Command South. There are 2,300 personnel serving at Kandahar Airfield (KAF) and with the Provincial Reconstruction Team at Camp Nathan Smith located in Kandahar City. Since the end of July 2006 this mission is now a NATO mission (ISAF) and continues the war against terrorism.
  • Myanmar/Burma

    Disaster Assistance Response Team deployed to Myanmar to assist in disaster relief following a devistating cyclone.
  • Haiti

    Canada's military deployed the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) to provide "eyes-on" feedback and assistance to the catastrophic situation left by the massive earthquake that occurred in Haiti's capital, Port-au-Prince. A convoy of vehicles including transport planes; a frigate, a destroyer, and Sea King helicopter; a CF-17 loaded with a Griffin helicopter, along with 2,000 Armed Forces members and rescue workers, were sent to provide aid and help trapped Haitians and Canadians.