Period: to
Bolshevik Revolution
Wilson's Fourteen Points
President Woodrow Wilson of the United States proposed a document to propose world peace. This document would later be used as a basis for treaties but would ultimately fail. -
Armistice Signed
Agreement to stop fighting between Britain, France and Germany -
Paris Peace Conference
A meeting of the allied victors to decide the peace terms and punishments for the losing countries. -
Treaty of Versailles Signed
This ended the war between the Allied states and Germany exactly five years after Archduke Ferdinand was assassainated. -
St. Germain
Period: to
US Kills the Treaty of Versailles
Rise of Mussolini
Germany Joins League
Geneva Naval Conference
Pact of Paris
Great Depression
London Naval Treaty
Manchuria Crisis
Geneva Disarmament
Hitler Named Chancellor
Japan Leaves League
Germany Leaves League
Russia Joins League
Abyssinia Crisis
Italy Leaves League
Rhineland Occupied
Rome-Belin Axis Signed