history: the making of a nation

By zmead1
  • the first

    the fist nationl astralin conviction is held is brisban
  • Period: to

    5 thing on the making of australia

  • the second

    the second
    A special premier's conference agrees to hold a new federation convention.
  • the forth

    Referendums are held in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania to approve the constitution. It is endorsed by all but New South Wales.
  • the third

    In January the premiers hold a secret meeting and agree to several changes to the constitution. Between April and July referendums are held in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania at which a majority vote 'yes' to the bill. In September Queensland voters endorse the constitution.
  • the fith

    the fith
    Queen Victoria signs the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.
  • the finle

    the finle
    the Commonwealth of Australia is proclaimed in Centennial Park, Sydney and palarmint is sworn in.