History test #2

  • Annexing of Hawai'i

  • US paid Spain for Philippines

  • The Maine explods

    In Havana harbor
  • Pres. MK blockades all Cuban ports

  • Spain declares war on US

  • Commodore Dewey captures Manila Bay

    in the Philippines
  • The garrison at Santiago surrenders

    ending fighting in Cuba
  • US invaded Puetro Rico

  • The US signs a peace treaty with Spain

  • Assasination of Pres. MK

    Teddy R. becomes pres.
  • Panama leases canal zone to the US

  • Republic of Panama declared independance

  • TR was reelected

  • TR corollary

  • Industrial workers of the world is founded

    skilled and unskilled workers
  • Spooner act

    authorized the pres. to pay for canal
  • Emiliano Zapata peacefully reoccupy hacienda lands

  • Will. Taft becomes pres.

  • Francisco Madero publishes the Plan de San Luis Potosi

    To rise against Pres. Diaz
  • Diaz resigns, Madero becomes pres.

    after revolutionary uprising
  • WW becomes pres.

  • Zapata publishes the Plan de Ayala

  • Underwood Tariff and Fed. Reserve act

  • The 16th amendment

    amended Art. 1, Sec. 9 and nullified an 1894 supreme court decision that declared income tax unconstitutional
  • Victoriano Huerta becomes pres., Madero arrested

  • Underwood Tariff

    Lowest rates on foreign goods. Graduated federal income tax
  • Federal reserve act

    Banks. 12 districts. hunger games
  • Assassination of AD Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary

    by Black Hand in Serbia
  • A-H declares war on Serbia

  • WW declares US neutrality

  • GB declares war on Germany

    after Germany invades Belgium
  • Alvaro Obregon marched into Mexico city

  • Ad Beatissimi

    Pope Ben. XV
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

  • Germany withdrew U-boats from British channel

  • Battle of the Somme ended

  • WW reelected

  • The Battle of Somme began

  • Big Navy Act

    10yr plan to make biggest navy
  • US Shipping Board Act

    $50 million to purchase or construction of merchant ships for nat. merchant marine
  • The Constitution of 1917

  • Pope Be. XV issues 7 points

  • Germany communicated min. terms for peace

    announced unrestricted submarine warfare
  • US enters war

  • Selective Service Act

    Increased army enlistment
  • WW issues 14 points

  • Russia withdrew from war

  • Kaiser Wilhelm abdicated

  • Armistice

  • the countries met for terms

  • TR died

  • League of Nations is approved

  • The Treaty of Versailles is signed by Germany

  • Carranza is removed, Obregon is pres.

  • Warren G. Harding is elected pres.

  • Calles becomes pres.

  • Anti-clerical laws are enforced

  • Bishops call for economic boycott

  • Interdict on Mexico begins

  • Capistran Garza issues call to arms, Cristeros rise

    Capistran Garza issues call to arms, Cristeros rise
    opposed to Calles
  • The Arreglos

    Agreement between the Church and the Mexican gov.
  • Church and Mexico come to agreement

    Cristeros lay down their arms
  • Lazaro Cardenas becomes pres.

    ends Calles' unofficial dictatorship
  • Buenos Aires non-intervetion agreement

    No American states should intervene with the affairs of other American states
  • election of Avila Camacho

    end of the Mexican revolution