Period: to
british colonie
influence of the church
-bishobs became more powerful
-church was resposible for biths marriges and deaths
-orphaneges, shelters, charities, religious festivals
-church attendence was high
-protestants were divided -
all british colonies had resposible government
distict parties were
- liberal conservatives (west & east)
- partie rouge (east)
- clear gris (west) -
government of canada
no one is certain on the setup for canadas government
- unitary state
- federal state
- states/provinces -
- political system became responsible so no party could win a majority government.
- parties agree that a merge is needed
quebec and charlottertown conference
- colonies meet up amd agree to consider a merge
- same members regroupped
- railway between colonies -
big changes
- america wants to expand into western canada
- amerca does not renew the reprocity treaty
- canadas industries move from wood to iron
- farm lands becaome more scarce
london conference
arrangements to re lese canada as a ritish colony are made
british north american act is passed giving canada the resposibbility of its internal affairs -
first wave of industrilization
factories which requires unskilled labour were devolloped
-populationg rose in quebec however better jobs could be found in ontario and wester quebec
-harsh working conditions amd horrible living conditions were normal -
national policy
tough times and the requirement of unification lead to the national policy
-incease costom duties
-bulding railways
-ecouraged immigration -
-women had no life outside the home
-produced many children and took care f them
-forced to do as their husbands said
-long days and home and in factories
-one excape (become a nun) -
french and english canadians
english canadian nationalism: support the crown
french canadian nationalism: againsed the crown
the english normaly got their way due to be majority -
political ideologies
capitalism: economy should run on a free competition
communism: state should own/control everything
socialism: sate should intervene and control/opperate key industries
fasim: dictator should control everything -
world war 1
-super powers of the time had been stockpiling weapons
-germany invaded neutral belgiu bringing in the allies
-britan when to war and canada was force to join
-factories grew toproduce shells and amunition
-1917 concription went into play making war support mandatory
-population boom hit after war due to the number of retuning soldiers
-women had obtained the right to vote in federal elections if their husbands were away at war
-canada was recognized as its own country in 1931 -
second phase of industrialization
-minerals, pulp & paper became the new economic resourse
-new rail ways were built to acess new areas
-rural ares changed very little
-working conditions were still hard and unfavorable -
the great depression
caused by buying stocks on borrowed money then losing everything when the depts were called in -
govenrment solutions
-work camps
-direct aid
-public work projects
-encouraging faming -
Period: to
world war 2
canada went to war on its own accord
war time restrictions were put in place
womens participations increased
ederal government took power
post war prosperity
natural increase in immigration
baby boom(after war) -
-beleived that the churche should run the infastructures
-beleived in the "old way"
-supported church related activities and companies
unions, journalists and inttelectuals
-apposed duplesis
-accused him of supporting american intrests over those of quebec
-attacked the conservative nature of quebec society -
mayjor devolpments
-asbetos strike pitted workers againsedthe state
-rural electrifacation
-american mining companies invested hevily in the mining of iron ore
-padlock law eliminated comunist supporters and simpathisers
-population growth(immigrants adn high birth rate)
-new consumer goods -
quiet revolution
-social, economic and political reform
-no rioting
-to make the quebec government the major force behind its social and economical development
-modernize quebec educational system
-weeken the influence of the church -
mayjor events
-F.L.Q terrotist attacks
-1967 general gaulle of france "vive la quebec libre"
-1966 rene levesque movement souvranitaire assosiation
-1970 october crisis &flq kidnapped piere laport and james cross
-canada is being reshaped due to expasion
-1965 america goes to war in vietnam
-pierre elliot trudau moves tward abortion, evorce and homosexuality -
quebec nationaism
-office de la laguage francaise is created topremote french laguage
-bill 63 official laguage act
-bill101 french singns only act
-federalists want quebec to be part of canada7
seperatists want quebec to leave canada
-2 referendoms bolth ended with NO -
native issues
-mohawks create road blocks in oka
-native millitairy organised them selves
-canadian forces were called in
-oka crisis lasted 78 days
-charlotte town accord dea;t with the use