History Tea Timeline- Harriet Beecher Stowe

  • Born

    Harriet Beecher Stowe was bron June 14, 1811 in Linchfield, Conecticut.
  • Mother dies

    Mother dies
    Harriet Stowe's mother dies of Teburculosis. Her father is now left on his own to raise 6 children. He later remaries and has 4 more children.
  • Moves to Ohio

    Moves to Ohio
    Harriet and her family move to Ohio. There, she joins a literacy group called the Semi-Colon Club. While she was involved in the club she begins to find her writing style and enjoy writing much more.
  • Daughter is born

    Harriet Beecher Stowes daughter, Georgina May is born. Also, her book, The Mayflower, is published.It was a great sucess. (No exact date)
  • Son dies

    Son dies
    Harriet Beecher Stowe's 6th child dies. He dies with cholera as an 18 month old.
  • Anti-slavery sermon

    Anti-slavery sermon
    She attends an anti-slavery sermon. There, Harriet invisions a plot for a story. Afterwards, she rushes back home to write down some ideas for a plot of a new novel about what she learned at the sermon.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Harriet's new book, Uncle tom's Cabin is published.She becomes a hero in the North for critisizing slavery, but the South attacks her for it. She also is appointed as the proffesor at the Andover Theological seminary in Massacucets.
  • Travels to Europe

    Travels to Europe
    Harriet travels to Europe again to talk about slavery to the people there. She also publishes her second novel, "Dred, Atale, of the Great Dismal Swamp". It is about an escaped slave.
  • She goes back to Europe

    She goes back to Europe
    She goes back to Europe to speak about her book. It is translated into 37 languages. She also publishes yet another book, "The Ministers Wooing". It is writted to deal with the grief over the loss of her son.
    (No exact date)
  • Publishes two more novels

    Publishes two more novels
    She publishes two more novels. One, her and her sister write, "The American Woman's home". She also published, "Old Town Folks".
    (No exact date)
  • Moves for the last time

    Moves for the last time
    She moves to her last home in Hartford, Conecticut. Her neighbor that moves in next door is Mark Twain and his family.
    (No exact date)
  • Dies

    Harriet Beecher Stowe dies July 1, 1896 in Hartford, Connecticut at the age 85.