History Tea Timeline

  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
    Matoaka was born. Pocahontas was a nickname
  • Pocahontas welcomes the colonists

    Pocahontas welcomes the colonists
    This event is important to Pocahontas's life because she was not used to any new people. Just the children in her village. Since she was born into the "royal family" she got to meet these new people first with her farther.
  • Pocahontas saves the colonists

    Pocahontas saves the colonists
    Jamestown had a fire and the fire had burnt down most of that town. They had barely had food or shelter. Pocahontas saw this and helped out the colonists by giving them food so that they didn't starve.
  • First Marriage

    First Marriage
    When she was about 14 or 15 years old she had married Kocoum, who was also the younger brother of the Patawomeck chief Japasaw.
  • Kidnapped

    Captain Argall took her as a prisoner and took her captive. He would give her back to her tribe if they gave them food.This was important because when someone gets kidnapped it's a big deal.
  • Tried to help her tribe

    Tried to help her tribe
    John Rolfe and Pocahontas went to the King and Queen of England. When they met, Pocahontas tried to make peace with the colonists and her tribe members. Back in America at this time, Pocahontas's family didn't like the colonists because her family had helped them survive but the colonists were treating them poorly now.
  • Goes to the European colonies

    Goes to the European colonies
    Pocahontas had given up all of her dad's beliefs when she lived by them for almost 19 years of her life
  • Becomes a Christian

    Becomes a Christian
    Once she was living in England, Pocahontas was planning on getting married and she had to be baptized. So she got baptized and became a Christian.
  • She is no longer Matoaka anymore

    She is no longer Matoaka anymore
    Since she was living in England and became apart of Christianity, she wanted to change her name to be really committed. Matoaka or, Pocahontas, had changed her name to Rebecca.
  • Marriage number 2

    Marriage number 2
    Pocahontas/Matoaka/Rebecca was getting married to the colonists that she came to England with. His name was John Rolfe. He was 28 and she was about 18 or 19 years old.
  • First Child

    First Child
    Pocahontas was still married to John Rolfe and they had, had their first child now. It was a boy. His name was Thomas. A little after the birth, Pocahontas had started to have breathing problems. Which was the first sign that death was coming.
  • Death

    Rolfe and Pocahontas had left their son with Rolfe's parents because he was too sick to travel. When traveling Pocahontas knew something was wrong and they had stayed in an Inn to have the doctor come check her but unfortunately she had died before the doctor had got their. She was about 21 or 22 years of age when she died.