Steam Engines was Invented
Elias Howe invents the sewing machine
Bessemer Method
Model T invented by Henry Ford
World War I Begins
US enters the war on the side of France and Britain
Selective Service Act- authorizing the draft
Treaty of Versailles at Paris
Unemployment low 3.2%
Wall Street Stock Market Crash
Period: to
Great Depression
Unemployment 8.9%
Smoot-Hawley Tariff- raising import duties
16.3% unemployment
Major Bank Collapse: New York's Bank of the United States $200 million in deposite lost
Roosevelt Inauguration: New Deal including CCC, WPA
Townsend Plan Incorporated: included Old Age Revolving Pension
Unemployment 14.3%
Roosevelt Relection
Neutrality Act
House un-American Activities Committee: investigate communist
Increase US defense spending
World War II begins
Period: to
The Red Scare toward communistic Soviet Union
Lend Lease Program
mobilization lifts economy: Pearl Harbor
U.S. enters WWII
Big Three in Yalta
Atomic Bomb Test
Big Three in Potsdam
Tokyo Petitions for Peace
World War ends
Start of the Cold War
President Harry S.Truman Loyalty Order
Hiroshima was painted by Janet Sobel
Berlin Blockade and airlift
Korean War
Space Race
Cuba became communist
Bay of Pigs
Cuban Missile Crisis
Strategic arms limitation talks
The Big Red Lens was constructed by Frederick Eversley
Reunited Germany
Depression Bread line was Sculputed by George Segal
End of Cold War