Pre-Reconstruction America

By A.mihe
  • 1492

    Columbus Arrives

    Columbus arrives to the Americas and lands in the Bahamas.
  • Period: to

    Roanoke Island Settled and Disappears

    The first American Settlement, founded by Sir Walter Raleigh, mysteriously disappears without a trace.
  • Period: to

    Life of Anthony Johnson

    Anthony is sent from Angola to America as a slave, earns his freedom, and becomes a successful landowner.
  • Jamestown Established

    Jamestown was the first permanent settlement in North America.
  • Slavery Begins in English Colonies

    20 Angolans, brought by the Portuguese, arrive in Virginia and are bought by the English.
  • Plymouth Established with Mayflower Compact

    The Plymouth compact Was a set of rules for the colonists to follow when they settled in Plymouth.
  • Pennsylvania Colony Established

    The Pennsylvania colony is founded by William Penn under a royal charter.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Around 150 people were accused of witchcraft and hanged.
  • Period: to

    The Great Awakening

    A period where spirituality and religious devotion were revived.
  • Albany Plan Begins to Unite Colonies

    The Albany plan was to place the colonies under a more centralized government.
  • Period: to

    7 Years War

    A war between the French and the British that lead to France loosing power in North America.
  • Stamp Act

    An act by British parliament requiring a tax stamp on all legal documents.
  • Boston Massacre

    A confrontation where British soldiers shot and killed several people.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A political and mercantile protest by the sons of liberty.
  • First Continental Congress

    The first continental congress Did not want seek independence from the British.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    These were the first two battles fought in the American Revolution.
  • The Second Continental Congress

    The second continental congress does seek independence from the British.
  • British Surrender

    The British surrender at the Battle of Yorktown.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The articles of confederation was the first constitution of the United States.
  • Shay’s Rebellion

    An armed uprising in opposition to a debt crisis.
  • Constitutional Convention

    A convention to decide how America would be governed.
  • Constitution Ratified

    New Hampshire was the 9th state to ratify the constitution and it became official.
  • George Washington Becomes President

    George Washington was the first president of the United States.
  • Washingtons Farewell Address

    George Washington published his farewell address to serve as a guide for future statecraft.
  • Alien and Sedation Acts

    Acts passed by Congress to limit activities of foreign residents.
  • Thomas Jefferson Elected

    Thomas Jefferson becomes president.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The purchase of the Louisiana territory by America.
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition

    Lewis and Clark set off on an expedition to explore the new territory.
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

    A war of war that the United States fought against Great Britain.
  • Missouri Compromise

    A compromise that admitted Missouri as a slave state and Maine as a free state.
  • The Monroe Doctrine

    A message warning European countries not to colonize in North America.
  • Andrew Jackson becomes President

    Andrew Jackson was elected president.
  • Frederick Douglass Joins

    Frederick Douglass joins the abolitionist movement.
  • Compromise of 1850

    A set of bills that diffused politely confrontation over free and slave states.
  • Fugitive Slave Act Passed

    The slave act act required all escaped slaves to be returned to their owners.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin was an anti-slavery novel.
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    A series of violent civil confrontations.
  • Dread Scott Decision

    Ruled that African Americans could never be citizens.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected

    Lincoln lead the country through the civil war.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    A war fought between the states who seceded and the states loyal to the Union.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    A proclamation that said that all slaves would be free.
  • 13-15th Amendments Pass

    These amendments ensured equality for recently freed slaves.
  • Lincoln Assasinated

    Lincoln was assasinated while attending a play.
  • Ava was Born

    I was born
  • Ava Started School

    I started kindergarten at Pierce Elementary.
  • Ava Moved

    I moved from Birmingham to Rochester.
  • Ava Started Middle School

    I started middle school at Van Hoosen
  • Ava Switches Schools

    I switched schools to Oakland Christian.