History (Sino-Soviet)

  • Communist Victory in China (Yay)

    Mao comes to power
    USSR gains a companion
  • Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship (Yay)

    Treaty between China and USSR
  • Korean War (Yay & Nay)

    Military Issues:
    Limited military and economic support from USSR
    Issues regarding nuclear access for China
  • Secret Speech (Nay)

    Ideological Clash:
    Khrushchev condemned the personality cult of Stalin, softer on West
    Mao perceived it as a betrayal of Stalin's legacy, strictly anti-West
  • Sino-Indian War (Nah)

    Moscow supplied Indian Air Force with jet engines
    USSR reaffirmed neutrality (Not supporting China as an ally)
  • Cuban Missile Crisis (Nay)

    Mao and Castro condemned Khrushchev for being weak and bowing to Western pressure.
  • Sino-Soviet Border Clash (Nay)

    Chinese Troops attacked USSR Troops at Zhenbao (contested between USSR and China)
    USSR brought in combat divisions and bombers with nukes.
    Stockpiled nukes at Mongolia, next to China
  • Sino-Vietnamese War (Nay)

    China saw Vietnam as a threat after 2ICW
    Vietnam backed by USSR
    USSR denounced PRC's invasion, gave intelligence and weapons to Vietnamese
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (Nay)

    PRC formed tripartite alliance with USA and Pakistan to back Mujahideen forces against USSR Forces