Tech Timeline

  • CD player

    CD player
    I remember playing Taylor Swift CDs in my CD Player on the school bus or on car rides. We also had a CD player in the kitchen we would dance to as children.
    photo from etsy
  • First Flip Phone

    First Flip Phone
    I got my first flip phone for Christmas. I was very excited until my brother buried it in a plant pot. I remember having a minute limit and being excited to talk to friends from school.
    Photo from amazon
  • Smart Phone

    Smart Phone
    I received my first smart phone in 2012. I was in 8th grade. The rise of different apps like facebook, instagram, and snapchat were happening at this time. I remember smartphones without front facing cameras. Selfies were much harder back then.
    Photo from wikipedia
  • My First Macbook

    My First Macbook
    When I started nursing school in 2019, I was required to buy a mac book from the school of nursing. I had to learn an entirely new way of using a computer. This was very challenging for me. Now, I couldn't imagine working any other way.
    Photo from apple.
  • Pandemic and the rise of ZOOM education

    Pandemic and the rise of ZOOM education
    In 2020, our world shut down. I was in undergrad and was forced to complete my schooling virtually. Our university used ZOOM for virtual teaching. All of our lectures and nursing clinicals were online via ZOOM.
    Photo from
  • Word Press

    Word Press
    I created my first blog in the Summer of 2023. I love sharing information about outdoor recreation! My friends had always told me to write a book or find a way to share what I know about outdoor rec in West Virginia. This became my way!
    Photo from word press