History proyect

  • Storming the Bastille

    Storming the Bastille
    600 Parisians attacked and took rhe control over the Bastille.
  • Louis XVI and his family atempt to flee Paris

    Louis XVI and his family atempt to flee Paris
    The royal family atempted to leave paris in a bad moment with an even worse execution as they tried to scape carrying all their servants and most of their possesions.
  • Louis XVI is guillotined

    Louis XVI is guillotined
    The convention puts Louis XVI on trial for treason, and unanimosly pronouncebhim gilty.
  • Robespirre is guillotined

    Robespirre is guillotined
    This event was the event who marked the end of the reingh of terror.
  • The battle of the pyramids

    With an army of only 38k, Napoleon wins his Egypt compaingn.
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory

    Napoleon overthrows the Dictory because he used the coup d’etat. He afterwards replaced it with a consulte where he secretly pulled all the strings.
  • Introduction of the civil code

    The civil code prohibites birth privileges, allowed freedom of religion and specified that government jobs go to the most qualified.
  • Napoleon crown himself as emperor

    In the company of the Napoleon crowns himself as emperor.
  • Napoleons devastating Russian Campaing

    Napoleon ignore the advice he was told and attacks Russia in the winter. From 450000 people only survive 40000.