End of World War 1
postwar effects come into place:
businesses raise prices,
labor union strikes increase, and
nativism and communism spread across the US -
Lenin sets up Bolsheviks party in Russia
beginning of communism across the globe and sparks the Red Scare in the US -
Labor Unions Strilke
Boston Police strike: Boston Police go on strike, Calvin Coolidge demands their return, get fired due to public endangerment
Steel Mill strike: long hours, low pay, no recognition of their union
Coal Miners' strike: low pay, represented by John Lewis who gets workers 27% increase in wages -
Racial Riots
As tensions escalated in the north from the Great Migration, about twenty-five racial riots occurred in urban areas. -
Period: to
Influx of immigrants
immigration increases by 600% leading to the passage of the quota systems -
18th Amendment Takes Effect
This begins the Prohibition Era, when alcohol became illegal. -
Emergency Quota act
% from 1910 census -
Washington Naval Conference
Hosted by Harding in DC to keep countries from going bankrupt in a postwar naval arms race and passes 4 power treaty (split up islands in Pacific), 5 power treaty (limiting naval arms production) and 9 power treaty (recognizing China as an independent state) -
Period: to
Harding Presidency
Teapot Dome Scandal
Interior Secretary Albert B. Fall leasing Naval oil reserves to private corporations -
Harding Dies, Coolidge President
Period: to
Coolidge Presidency
Took over after Harding's sudden death. Believes in laissez-faire policies in private businesses. Automobile and aviation industry boom leading to urban sprawl. Electricity enters factories and household. Businesses begin to use psychology to encourage consumerism. And Superficial prosperity begins due to the income gap, installment plans, and overproduction begins eventually leading to the Great Depression. -
Immigration Act
continuation of quota system when the influx of immigrants was still too much, based upon 2% of the 1890 census thus discriminating against the southern and eastern European immigrants -
Native American Full Citizenship
Despite living in the US since before it was formed, Native Americans did not receive full citizenship for hundreds of years. -
Scopes Trial
The Scopes Trial, the epic clash between traditionalists and modernists, that debated science and religion's roles in school and resulted in a modernist victory. -
Sacco and Vanzetti executed
Due to the Red Scare, Sacco and Vanzetti were found guilty and executed in spite of lack of evidence -
Kellog-Briand Pact
Influenced by Washington Naval Conference: renounces war as a national policy and agrees for all participating countries to settle disputes diplomatically -
Period: to
Suicide rate rises over 30%
Period: to
Gross national product cut nearly in half
Black Tuesday
-Markets plummet rapidly as nations confidence falls drastically
-Shareholders sell frantically = Milions of shares have no buyers
-many last all their life savings of were left in huge debts -
Period: to
Great Depression
-economy plummets
-unemployment at an all time high
-Bank run dilema -
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
-sets highest protective tariff EVER -
Period: to
Dust bowl
Droughts and windstorms hit, soil scattered for hundreds of miles -
25% of workers left unemployed
18th Amendment Repealed By 21st Amendment
People were so dissatisfied with Prohibition that they were doing illegal things to get alcohol. This led to the 21st Amendment, which ended the so-called Noble Experiment. -
Period: to
FDR Presidency
formulates 1st and 2nd New Deal to end the Great Depression: Relief for the needy, Economic Recovery, and Financial Reform. Helped by trusted advisers called "Brain Trust" who held varying views in cabinet to help FDR come up with plan to support all Americans. FDR used Fireside Chats to encourage the public and call for their support. -
Period: to
First Hundred Days/ First New Deal
passes over 15 acts creating the first new deal. -
Period: to
Second New Deal
aided by Eleanor Roosevelt, the second New Deal brings more relief to farmers and laborers -
Roosevelt Wins Again
Roosevelt was re-elected, allowing him to put his second new deal in place. -
Economy improves