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Cold war
The USA and the Soviet Union were the main two country's involved but, some other became involved after picking sides. They were both trying to keep the others government style from spreading and spread theirs. The fighting took place in many different places but the soviet union and the USA did never directly fight each other. They did this because both sides Disagreed with the other sides government style.This cause a lot of conflict between the two countries and their supporters. -
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Joe McCarthy
Joe McCarthy played was born on November 14 1908. He played a big part in the red scare. A lot of Americans were freaking out because of the communism around the world . They did not want it in their own country. Joe McCarthy spent a lot of time and tried to expose all communism risk in the government. He caused a lot of people to get fired up and nervous about the possible communism within their government. -
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Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley was born in 1935 and died in 1977. He made a lot of Rock and roll music. The new aged people liked the music but their parents did not. He changed music from just being the music to the show as well. He changed the Future of music after that. Music became more about the show and not just about the music after that time. -
Truman doctrine
Harry Truman made this during his presidency. This was a thing saying the USA would do their best to contain the idea of communism. If communism was threatening to come into certain areas the USA would send troops and supplies to help stop it. This was made in the USA but they helped all over the world. This doctrine was started in 1947. The Truman doctrine was made to help keep communism from spreading around the world. This caused the USA to get into wars all over the world to stop communism. -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks is most known for what she did on the bus. On December 5th 1955 she refused to move for a white man on the bus. She was arrested and it caused a lot of people to protest civil rights.This made people really start to realize that it was wrong to treat people like that. -
Robert F. Kennedy assassination
Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated on June 5 1947. He was shot several times right after he announced his presidential primary of California win. He died a day later. This took place the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He was devoted to the Civil Rights cause so this caused an uproar especially being so soon after Martin Luther King Jr. being killed. -
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Jimmy Carter presidency
Jimmy Carter presidency lasted from 1977 to 1981. Jimmy Carter dealt with a lot of problems during his presidency. He did not do a good job at solving them and he became know as in over his head and a lot of people did not like his problem solving skills as a president. This caused a lot of problems to stay problems for the next presidency, Such as the energy crisis and high inflation. -
Space shuttle challenger
A space shuttle holding 7 passengers broke right after lift off. One of the passengers was a teacher who was going to teach kids around the country from space. The spaceship malfunctioned and killed all 7 passengers. A lot of media covered this and it caused NASA to postpone all shuttle missions. -
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George H.W. Bush presidency
George H.W. Bush was president from 1989 to 1993. He was Ronald Reagan's vice president who oversaw all military operations in Panama Iraq. This gave him a very high approval rate of 89%.He promised no new taxes but ended up changing taxes anyway. He was seen as a promise breaker that couldn't fix the economy and lost the next election. He had the USA get apart of a big fight which lasted a long time. That lowered his approval rating and caused him to lose the next election. -
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social network revolution
Many people are now on social media everyday. Social networking sites have a big impact on many people's daily lives. Many relationships are now over social media sites. People do not go out and see each other anymore. People live their lives through a screen. -
Financial crisis of 2008
In 2008 the USA had its biggest financial crisis since the great depression. It cause a lot of people to freak out. A lot of people were taking out loans for houses. Then the house prices sky rocketed. People could not pay the banks back. Banks did not trust people to pay them back so they stopped giving out loans. This caused a lot of things to be put in place for it to not happen again. -
Nixon Watergate
On June 17th 1972 In the Watergate building in Washington D.C. were caught trying to steal some information from Nixon's apposing party. Nixon said he had nothing to do with it but he tried to cover it up which caused people to be suspicious. This caused people from that point on to not trust their government officials as much.