EIC Arrives in East
The EIC got a charter from Queen Elizabeth 1 which granted them to trade with the East.This also made them the most powerful as it didn't allow any other trading company to compete with them.Also,till then,The first English ships sailed down the west coast of Africa,round the cape of Good Hope and crossed the Indian Ocean.The Portugese had already established their authority in West coast of India and also had a base in Goa. -
EIC begins Trade in Bengal
The first English factory was set up on the banks of the river Hugli in 1651.This was the base for EIC's traders known as 'factors' -
Fort around the settlement (by EIC)
By 1696 EIC started building a fort around the settlement. -
Bribing by EIC
After building the fort,The EIC brought bribing the Mughals into practice.They bribed Mughals as they wanted Company zamindari rights over 3 villages.This also convinced Aurangzeb into issuing a 'farman' which granted the East India Company to trade and that too duty free. -
Vasco Da Gama And the Dutch
By the early 17th century,The Dutch had already started exploring the sea route that Vasco Da Gama had first found in 1498.The Dutch also looked for possibilities to trade in the Indian Ocean.Later,The French traders also established their presence. -
Aurangzeb's Death
The trading companies were all interested in mostly the same products.Due to this competitions began which soon developed into battles.Through 17th and 18th century,the companies sank each other's ships,blockaded routes,prevented others from moving forward etc. -
New System
A new system of justice was established which stated that each district was to have 2 courts - a criminal court and a civil court. -
Robert Clive
Robert Clive came to Chennai (earlier known as Madras) from England at the age of 18. -
Battle over Trades
The trading companies were all interested in mostly the same products.Due to this competitions began which soon developed into battles.Through 17th and 18th century,the companies sank each other's ships,blockaded routes,prevented others from moving forward etc. -
Alivardi khan's Death
Alivardi Khan died in 1756.Due to this,Sirajuddaulah took over and became the Nawab of Bengal. -
Battle of Plassey
In 1757,Robert Clive led the Company's army against that of Sirajuddaulah at Plassey.Mir Jafar,one of Sirajuddaulah's commander,betrayed him and never fought the battle as Clive had promised him to make him Nawab after crushing Sirajuddaulah.Battle of Plassey was also the firs major victory the Company won in India. -
Battle of Buxar
Mir Jafar protested due to which the company deposed him and Mir Qasim was installed in his place.Mir Qasim complained and he in turn was defeated in the Battle of Buxar. -
Governor of Bengal
Clive was appointed as the governor of bengal in 1764 and was asked to remove corruption in company administration but he was cross examined in 1722 by British Parliament who were suspicious of his vast health. -
Mir Jafar's Death
In 1765,Mir Jafar died and the mood of the company had also changed.Clive declared that becoming a Nawab himself was a better option in order to succeed.The mughal emporor appointed the Company as Diwan of the provinces of Bengal. -
Becoming Nawabs
Mir Jafar died and due to this the mood of the company changed,When they failed to work as puppet nawabs,Clive said that they should become Nawabs themselves.Finally,The company was appointed as the Diwan of the provinces of Bengal by the Mughal Emperor -
New Supreme court
Under the regulating act,A new supreme court was established. -
Suicide by Clive
Although,Clive was acquitted,He committed suicide. -
To bring about uniformity,11 pandits were asked to compiled digest of hindu laws. N.B Halhed translated dharmashastra in english. -
Code of Muslim Laws
A code of muslim laws was also compiled for the benefit of European judges. -
Tipu Sultan
Tipu sultan stopped the trade of sandalwood,pepper and cardamom though ports of his kingdom and also disallowed local merchants from training with the company.He also established a closer realtion with the french in India which helped him in modernising his army. -
Early 18th Century
The conflict between the Company and the Nawabs of Bengal increased. -
Aurangzeb's farman
when Richard Wellesley was governor general (he was governor general from (1798 - 1805),The Nawab of bengal was forced to give over half of his territory to the company as he didn't succeed in paying the 'subsidiary forces'.Hyderabad was also forced to give up territories on similar basis. -
Rani Channamma
Rani Channamma led an anti British resistance due to which she was arrested in 1824 and died in prison in 1828. -
A poor chowkidar - Rayanna carried on with resistance and also succeeded in destroying several British camps.But later,he was caught and hanged by the British. -
Company vs Afghanistan
The company fought against Afghanistan between 1838 and 1842 and established their rule. -
Ranjit Singh
As Ranjit Singh was alive it was difficult for the British to take over Punjab. Unfortunately Ranjit Singh died. -
Company established their rule in Sind. -
As Ranjit Singh died,It became easier to take over Punjab.Over many wars that were fought between Punjab and the British,The British finally took over Punjab. -
Company took over Awadh. -
By this year,the company exercised direct rule over about 63% of the territory and 78% of the population of Indian subcontinent.The EIC had India under its control.