Ida Tarbell
Ida Tarbell was born in western pennsylvania in 1857. She was the daughter of a independent oil producer. In 1876 tarbell enrter Allegheny College as the only female students student in a class of 40" hostile or indefferent" males, as she recalled. -
W.E.B Du Bois
W.E.B Du Bois was born in 1868 in great barrington, Massachusetts. As a child Bois attended sunday school with African americans and white children. Not until high school did he realize that his skin color caused people not to like him. After high school he studied histiry in germany and at Harvard University. -
Fances Willard
Headed the WCTU from 1879 to 1898. Willard eventually made the WCTU a powerful nation force for temperance. Moral purity, and the rights of women. -
Florence Kelley
Refromer Florence Kelley worked tirelessly for this cause.She helped persaude the Illinois legislature in 1893 to prohibat child labor and to limit the number of hours women couuld work. Although most childern worked in agricalture, children in the factories- more than 2 million by 1910- facedthe worst conditions. -
Ray Stannard Baker
IN 1904 lincoln Steffens documented urban politiacl corruption in the Shame of the Cities.That same year writer Ray Stannard Baker toured the nation examming the plight of African Americans. Published in 1908, his book descibed a lynching in springfield, ohio. -
Daniel Burnham
Leading architect and city plannner, produced a magnificent plan for redesigning Chicago. It was the first coprehensive plan to redsign a U.S. city. -
Nation Urban League
The nation urban league was fonded in 1911 by concerned African Americans and a white reformers. The league worked to improve job opportunties and housing for urban African Ameicans. One of its goals was to help African americans migrants from the south to adjust to their new lives in northern cities. -
Theodore Dresier
In novels such as Sister Carrie (1900) and the Financer (1912) Theodor Dreiser dipicted works brutalized by greedy business owners.In the HOuse of Mirth(1905), Edith Wharton wrote about how the closedmindedness of elite society leads a good- hearted heroine to social islotion and despair.