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History on Special Education

  • 1829 BCE

    Institution Nationale des Jeunes Aveugles

    Institution Nationale des Jeunes Aveugles
    It was the first school for the blind in France, this is where they gave general education for the visually inpaired. Which gave them the rights and needs. This school helped them be academaiclly prepare and help them learn skills.
  • Jean Jacques Rousseau

    Jean Jacques Rousseau
  • Charles Michel L'Epee

    Charles Michel L'Epee
    First public school for people who have a disability, which teaches children sign language. It gives them general education and helps them for the future.
  • The Beginning of Special Education

    The Beginning of Special Education
    Every child who had a disbaility was denied any education.
  • Rev. Thomas Gallaudet

    Rev. Thomas Gallaudet
    The first school for the deaf is American Asylumon Education for the Deaf and Dumb, which will help people who are deaf, teach them, and help them in their lives. Taught sign language as well.
  • United States Concerns

    United States Concerns
    They made laws to have special education in schools.
  • The Department of Special Education

    The Department of Special Education
    The National Education Association created the program.
  • Training for Teachers

    Training for Teachers
    Teachers trained in special education
  • Theodore Simon

    Theodore Simon
    standardized intelligence test
  • Council for Exceptional Children

    Council for Exceptional Children
    Elizabeth Farrell founded this program
  • Special Education Children Access

    Special Education Children Access
    Every child who need special education access finally got the resources.
  • Rehabiliation Act

    Rehabiliation Act
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)

    Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA)
    Rights for children with any disabilities to access free education and resources.