Louis braille


  • Louis Braille Born

    Louis Braille Born
    Louis Braille born to Monique Braille and Simon-Rene Braille in Coupray, France on January 4
  • Louis Becomes Blind

    Louis is hurt in his father's workshop, the wound becomes infected and he is blind.
  • National Institute for Blind Children in Paris

    National Institute for Blind Children in Paris
    Braille departs home to attend school at the National Institute for Blind Children in Paris
  • Learns Sonography Communication System

    Learns Sonography Communication System
    Braille learns of a communication system "Sonography" devised by Captain Charles Barber of the French Army.
  • Begins work on System of Communication

    Begins work on System of Communication
    Braille begins working on system of communication for the blind and visually impaired.
  • Presents Communication System to Peer

    Braille (at age 15) presents his communication system to peers.
  • First Book Published

    First Book Published
    Braille has first book published "Method of Writing Words, Music and Plain Songs by Means of Dots, for Use by the Blind and Arranged for Them".
  • Made a Full Professor

    Braille was made a full professor at the National Institute for Blind Children where he taught history, geometry and algebra.
  • Death

    Louis Braille died at age 43 after his condition reached mortal danger and he was admitted to the infirmary of the Royal Institution