History of writing

  • 30,000 BCE

    First writing

    First writing
    The first ever form of writing were small cave paintings thought to be developed around year 30000 BCE, these were simple pictures used to communicate and were not a widely used form of writing.
  • 3500 BCE

    Major written forms of communication were developed

    Major written forms of communication were developed
    The first major shared form of written communication was sumerian cuneiform ( approximately 3500-3000 BC) in this form of writing they used clay to form different shapes/images to communicate with one another, this became widely used by early mesopotamian civilizations, however it was later replaced by the Phoenician Alphabet.
  • 2000 BCE

    First alphabet developed

    First alphabet developed
    This achievement is shared between the Egyptians and the Phoenicians, these were both developed at a similar time and were thought to have used each other to develop, these writing forms were the hieroglyphics and the Phoenician alphabet, the Phoenician alphabet had 22 letters often leaving out vowels.
  • 1600 BCE

    China develops writing

    China develops writing
    The form of writing that china developed is independent of the other languages that were developed in Mesopotamia, researchers believe that they are free of influence from other cultures. This form of writing was created by using bones and shells to create scripture that would later develop into modern day Chinese script.
  • 1050 BCE

    Greek alphabet

    Greek alphabet
    The Phoenician alphabet gave rise to the Greek alphabet which has inspired many different languages and is the basis to many different form of writing and grammar, this is also part of the reasons why the Greek empire became so large they were able to use this advance form of communication to advance much quicker than the other civilizations at the time.
  • 20

    The development of paper

    The development of paper
    The next major event to occur was the development of paper by Tsai Lun as it allowed people to write much easier than before and it was far more convenient as you didn't have to use stone, wood or clay tablets.
  • 700

    The rise of Islam

    The rise of Islam
    After Rome was in decline the religion Islam started to develop in the middle east and along with that a large amount of Arabic literary pieces began to appear, and Arabic quickly became a major literary form of writing throughout the middle east and its influence was later spread to Europe.
  • 1450

    The printing press

    The printing press
    The printing press was developed in Germany, this innovation in writing would allow for the development of mass produced books and newspapers this allowed for writing to be shared much faster and easier, allowing cultures to spread far quicker than they had before.
  • The development of computers

    The development of computers
    After the development of modern computers around the 2000's, this would open the door for many around the world allowing people to share their writing and developments much faster and far easier, however it also allowed people to develop their won writing and opened the door to many allowing anyone who wanted to become a writer.
  • Modern day writing and communication

    Modern day writing and communication
    Around the 1980 began the development of the first email, around that same time the first text message was being developed, however it wouldn't be until the 2000's that they would become the mainstream form of writing and communication throughout the world.
  • Where is it heading

    Where is it heading
    With the development of many more voice activated devices, it may happen that soon we switch over to a voice based society when it comes to our writing where instead of typing or writing your work you will be able to simply speak what you want to be written. Of course this wont happen very soon and it wont completely replace our writing, however even now we have devices that can do our writing for us if we want it to.