
History of Walt Disney

  • When was Walt born?

    When was Walt born?
    Walt was born in 1901. Walt loved drawing and creating,
  • What was Walt's first job?

    What was Walt's first job?
    Walt got his first job at 18 as a commercial illustrator!
  • When was it first created?

    When was it first created?
    Walt Disney was first created in 1923. It was first named the Disney Brothers Studio.
  • Who did he work with?

    Who did he work with?
    Walt Disney works with Roy Disney, his brother
  • What did the create?

    What did the create?
    The two brothers made a beloved couple Mickey and Minnie.
  • What did they create?

    What did they create?
    In 1937, they made Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. A year later the moved to Burbank.
  • When did they but their name on things?

    When did they but their name on things?
    Then the brothers got involved in the field when they made their first product under the name Walt Disney!
  • What did they do after?

    What did they do after?
    The Walt Disney Productions formed the Walt Disney Music Company, for example theme parks
  • Fun Facts

    Fun Facts
    Walt Disney World employs in excess of 60,000 cast members making it one of the largest single-site employer in the United States