Simple illustration of people near a giant voting box with the australian flag on it 1

History Of Voting Rights In Australia

  • Settlement

    On 26 January 1788, the First Fleet landed at Port Jackson and the following month, on 7 February, Australia's first European colony was established. Captain Aruther Phillip was appointed by the British government as the first Governor of this new prison colony.
  • Eureka Stockade

    During the 1850s, people from around the world flocked to the Australian goldfields. They had to purchase licenses in order to earn money from prospecting for gold in these fields. In 1854, a miner's protest about license fee and their political rights resulted in a rebellion in which both soldiers and miners died. Following the rebellion, a number of the miners' demands were met, including their right to vote.
  • The Secret Ballot

    Until the 1850s, people voted publicly, which left them venerable to intimidation. To rectify this situation, an independent electoral body was established during the 1850s to ensure elections were run fairly. To this end the Australian ballot, known as the secret ballot, was implemented.
  • Male suffrage

    In 1856, South Australia extended the vote to male residents aged 21 years and over. Two years later, Vicotria did the same.