Vote twice

History of Voting in the World

  • Greece, Athens

    Greece, Athens
    Around 500 BCE the Greek City-State Athens adopted Democracy and other City-States soon followed their model of a government run by the people. But there were requirements for a person to vote.
  • Early Roman Republic

    Early Roman Republic
    Around 509 BCE the Roman monarch was overthrown and the Roman Republic was founded
  • End of the Roman Republic

    End of the Roman Republic
    27 BCE Roman Republic ends in civil war and is replaced by a triumverant and soon after the Roman Empire
  • Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    in 1215 the Magna Carta was signed by King John of England, forced into doing so by English nobles after a uprising
  • Age of enlightenment

    Age of enlightenment
    1701 - 1804
    ideas of democracy and voting rights were fundimental to the principles of many of this era's philosphers
  • Corsican Republic

    Corsican Republic
    1755 - 1769
    First Nation to allow universal Sufferage for all citizens over age 25
  • Foundation of the United States of America

    Foundation of the United States of America
    July 4 1776
    Founded as a Democratic Republic
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    1789 - 1799
    the french moncarchy is overthrown and is replaced by a short lived republic
  • New Zealand

    New Zealand
    New Zealand adopts unversal sufferage
  • Iraq, first election after fall of Sadams Regime

    Iraq, first election after fall of Sadams Regime
    January 2005
    The Iraqi people were able to vote for a independent government
    and the us military provided security