
History of video games timeline

  • Video games origin

    Video games origin
    Video games began in research labs during 1952. British professor, A. S Douglas created OXO, basically tic-tac-toe. it eventually led to other beta games being developed for multiple computer installations.
  • Arcade and pinball machines

    Arcade and pinball machines
    during this time, home consoles weren't really a thing that family's owned even when the atari 2600 was released later in the decade. This decade was the golden age for arcades. Games like Pacman, Donkey kong and galagia still hold up.
  • Video game crash

    Video game crash
    During this time developers kept releasing bad games which lead several companies to be bankrupt. This was all saved with the NES or Nintendo entertainment system. Its launch strives for quality and variety, with games like Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, Excite Bike, and so many more.
  • Start of hand-held gaming

    Start of hand-held gaming
    In 1989 Nintendo released the Gameboy that could play games on the go with 4 double a batteries required. It could only play games in black and white and didn't have a back light so playing games in the dark was impossible. In 1990 Sega released the game gear that could play games in color, but had a bunch of mediocre games released on it.
  • 16 bit game consoles/ start of console wars

    16 bit game consoles/ start of console wars
    In 1989 Sega released the Genesis and introduced the world to 16 bit games. Meanwhile in 1991, Nintendo released the SNES, a better and more powerful console. Sega created Sonic so they could have a rival to mario.
  • Cd games

    Cd games
    Cd games wouldn't become fully implemented until 1995 with the playstation 1 's release. But in 1993, the Sega Cd add on was made and introduced gamers into Cd based games. However it flopped because most games were re-released Genesis games.
  • Introduction to 3D games

    Introduction to 3D games
    With the Nintendo 64 release in 1996, the world was introduced to probably the most revolutionary games ever made, Super Mario 64. The playstation was released and sold over 102 million units and dominated with the playstation 2 as well. Overtime, 3d games graphics improved due to technology advances.
  • The Big 3 console war

    The Big 3 console war
    In the early 2000s, the ps2, the Xbox, and the Gamecube were released. Since the gamecube used propriatory disc, 3rd party games were scarce on it. The ps2 sold over 155 million units making it the best selling home console of all time.
  • a new way to play games

    a new way to play games
    In 2006, Nintendo released the Wii that used motion controls as the main way to play. This crazy was very successful selling over 100 million units. Xbox and Sony tried their kinect and playstation move but those failed compared to the wii.
  • Mobile Gaming

    Mobile Gaming
    in the early 2010s decade, smartphones were advancing so much to the point where you could download games on your phone. Games like Angry birds and Clash of clans were instant hits to the market. This lead to a huge increase in mobile gaming users.