History of Video games

  • The early days

    The early days
    In 1952 the first game OXO was created by, British professor A.S. Douglas. In 1962 Steve Russell at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology invented Spacewar! a computer game which could be played on the PDP-1 (Programmed Data Processor-1). Then later on in other places like universities.
  • Home consoles

    In 1967,Ralph Baer and his team at Sanders Associates created “The Brown Box,” the first prototype for TV-based video games. This led to the 1972 release of the Magnavox Odyssey, the first home video game console, it inspired Atari’s Pong, the first successful arcade game. Atari’s home version of Pong in 1975 was also a hit. In 1977, Atari released the Atari 2600, a home console with joysticks and interchangeable game cartridges, marking the start of the second generation of video game consoles.
  • The Video Game Crash

    In 1983, the North American video game industry crashed due to market saturation and poor-quality games like Atari's E.T. Recovery began in 1985 with the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), which introduced iconic games like Super Mario Bros.
    In 1989, Nintendo launched the Game Boy, revolutionizing handheld gaming. That same year, Sega's 16-bit Genesis challenged the NES, leading to the first "console war" when Nintendo released the Super NES in 1991.
    in 1990 Nintendo became huge.
  • 3D Gaming

    In 1995 Sega released a console that took CD's which was new for the time. Then Nintendo releases the N64 though these both a a decent success Sony's PlayStation dominates both these consoles as it can play much more high quality games exclusive to PlayStation. Later on through 1999 and 2001 Sony gets other competitors but Sega gives up on its console the dream cast as commercially it wasn't going well at all.
  • Modern Gaming

    In 2005 and 2006, Microsoft’s Xbox 360, Sony’s PlayStation 3, and Nintendo’s Wii kicked off the modern age of high-definition gaming. Though the PlayStation 3 the only system at the time to play Blu-rays was successful in its own right, Sony, for the first time, faced stiff competition from its rivals. Xbox was great at online gaming , the Wii was a big hit as it had lots of games for family and friend's you could play together. Now the current day we have ps5 Xbox and PCs who knows whats next?.