History of US Level 1B

By coleam
  • Revolutionary War

    The Revolutionary War was a fight for freedom between the colonies of America and Britain. The Americans won the war and created a new nation, the United States of America.
  • The British Leave Boston

    The British weren't up for a fight, so they left Boston, bringing lots of loyalist families with them.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was created by the Americans to state that they are a free contry. The British ignored it, and it didn't really do much to help the Americans get freedom.
  • The Articles of Confederation are Writen

    On July 12, in 1776, the Articles of Confederation are writen. Not until 1781 will these articles be ratified.
  • George Washington Beats the Hessians

    On Chrismas, in 1776, George Washington sails across the Delaware River and surpirse attacks the Hessians. He wins the battle!
  • Burgoyne Surenders!

    On October 17, 1777, the British general Burgoyne surenders! This is a big win for the Americans! The Europeans soldiers are brought to Boston and there they promise never to fight in America again.
  • Blacks Enrolling in American Army

    The Americans, stupidly, wouldn't let the blacks enroll in the American army. Land owners started letting blacks free if they would enroll in the army, and finnaly if 1778, blacks were aload to enroll in the army. I think this would really help the Americans.
  • The Articles of Confederation are Ratified

    Finnaly, after five years, the Articles of Confederation are ratified! This is the first form of government for the new "United" States.
  • John Hanson Becomes First President

    On November 5th, in 1781, John Hanson became president under the Articles of Confederation. He was the first president, not George Washington! People don't know this because John never had a lot of power, so he was never famous.
  • The United States Creates an Official Seal

    In 1782, in the month of June, the official seal of the United States is created. The seal has an eagle, 13 stars, an olive branch, a sheaf of arrows, and the sign E Pluribus Unum.
  • The Ideas of Enlightenment

    By the time it was 1787, people started having ideas of enlightenment. They started realizing that slavery was a horrible thing! Lots of people started getting thoughts of abolishing slavery.
  • The Constitution is Ready to Be Signed!

    Finnaly, on September 17, in the year of 1787, the constitution is ready to be signed! The people of the United States have been waiting so long! But this brings up another problem. How long will it take to sign it?
  • George Washington Becomes President

    On April 30, in 1789, George Washington becomes the first president under the constitution. There have been 7 other presidents, but they were presidents under the articles of confederation.
  • Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin

    In the year of 1793, Eli Whitney invents the cotton gin to help get the seads out of cotton quicker. The only problem: now slavery is encouraged again and more slaves are being bought just because it's easier to make cotton.
  • The Whiskey Rebellion

    In the year of 1794, the poor farmers of the united states rebelled againsted taxes on whiskey. But when an army of 13,000 men came to stop the rebellion, it was stopped just like that.
  • George Washington Steps Down from Presidency

    In the year of 1797, George Washington steps down from presidency, after being president for two terms (8 years).
  • Thomas Jefferson Becomes President

    In 1801, Thomas Jefferson becomes the second president (under the constitution) of the United States.
  • The Levis and Clark Expedition Starts

    In the same year Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr dualed to the death, Thomas Jefferson sends two explorers to find a rout, on river, to the Pacific ocean. The trip lasted for two years, and they were party succesful!
  • The Dual: Hamilton vs. Burr

    In the year of 1804, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr meet to dual to the death, with pistols. After fighting for a little bit, Alexander Hamilton is found dead. Aaron Burr won the fight.
  • The Lewis and Clark Expedition Ends

    In the year of 1806, after sailing and climbing mountains for two years, Lewis and Clark and their crew reach the pacific ocean! They were so exited!
  • The Slave Trade Ends

    Even though the slave trades ends in 1808, there are still many slaves left in America, and people started the illegal slave trade. So there were still many slaves in America, until the civil war.
  • Thomas Jefferson is No Longer President

    After being president for eight years (two terms) Jefferson decides to step down, just like George Washington did.
  • The North Starts to Become Industrial and Urban

    While the south is still obsessed with slaves, the north starts to become industrial and urban. No many more farms! Most of the farmers have to give up their job and work in the factories.
  • The Great Leader Tecumseh Dies

    In the year of 1813, after being a brave learder for many years, Tecumseh dies fighting with the British against the Americans. There wasn't another leader that was able to take Tecumseh's place.
  • The Erie Canal Starts to Be Built

    In the year of 1817, builders start to work on making the Erie Canal. It will stretch 360 miles! That's a lot of work to build it!
  • The Missouri Compromise

    In 1820, Missouri asked to enter the United States as a slave state. The north didn't want this, because then the south would outnumber the north, so the north and south made an agreement to have part of Massachusetts become a new free state, Maine.
  • The Start of Many New States

    In the years of 1810 to 1820, five new states are added to the United States. This is the start of many states being added.
  • The Webseter Dictionary is Published

    In the year of 1828, Noah Webster published the Webster Dictionary, used to help people spell words, without making their own spelling.
  • The Great Debate

    In the year of 1830, Robert Young Hayne and Daniel Webster start the great debate. They agrue about what should be done with the North and the South. Hayen thinks they should be united, and Webster thinks that the South might even have to leave the Union. Also note, Hayne may be just mouthing John Calhoun's words.
  • The Texan War for Independence Begins!

    On March 2nd, in the year of 1836, the Texans begin their rebellion against Mexico. Four days later the Alamo will fall.
  • Remember the Alamo!

    After fighting four four days, the Mexicans take over the Alamo, a Texan fortress/hideout. But the Mexicans lost more men than the Texans lost. Because of this "Remember the Alamo!" became a war cry.
  • The First College for Women Opens

    In the year of 1837, the first college for women, Mount Holyoke College, opened for women.
  • The First Photographs are Taken!

    In the year of 1839, the first photographs are taken by Samuel F. B. Morse and John W. Draper. Now a days, everyone, even kids, use cameras!
  • Frederick Douglass Makes His First Speach

    In the year of 1841, Frederik Douglass makes his first speach. He preached about what it was like for him to be a slave. This first speach is just the first of many inspiring speaches.
  • John Quicy Adams Dies

    John Quicy Adams had a long and successful life. He was president, part of the House of Representatives, and many other things. He finally died in the year of 1848.
  • Gold Found in California!

    On January 24th, in the yaer of 1848, a man by the name of James Marshall found gold at Sutter's mill. Many people will try to become rich on this, but not many will.
  • Gold Fever

    In the year of 1849, gold fever struck America. People from EVERYWHERE went to California to try to strike it rich. Not many did.
  • Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster all have a last debate.

    In the year of 1850, Hunery Clay, John C. Calhoun, and Daniel Webster have a last debate. They are all old and will die soon. John C. Calhoun wants slavery, and calls it a "positive good". Both Daniel Webster and Henry Clay don't want slavery, but are willing to compromise.
  • The First Public School Opens

    In the year of 1852, the first public school opens in Tallahassee, Florida.
  • The Republican Party is Created

    In the year of 1854, the Republican party was created, also taking away the Whig party. One of the first people to be in the Republican party is Abraham Lincoln.
  • The Mormons Move to Utah

    In the year of 1856, the Mormans, a group of very religious people, move to the future state of Utah. Almost 3,000 Mormans take the 1,300 mile trip!
  • Gold found in Kansas Territory (Now Colorado)

    In the year of 1859, in the Kansas territory (what is now know as Colorado) gold is found! It's going to be another gold rush!