History of U.S. Energy

  • Discovering Electricity

    Discovering Electricity
    Ben Franklin tied a key onto a kite during a thunderstorm to prove that static electricity and lightning were the same. His understanding of the science behind electricity lead the way to electricity in the future. “Ben Franklin” by Sue Clark is licensed under CC BY 2.0
  • First Electric Automobile Invented

    First Electric Automobile Invented
    Thomas Davenport was an American inventor. He built the first practical electric vehicle. They called it a small locomotive. “Electric car and first motor vehicle built in Canada at auto show, Armouries” by Toronto History is licensed under CC BY 2.0
  • The Electric Motor

    The Electric Motor
    Thomas Davenport was the one who invented the electric motor. This invention is used in a lot of electrical appliances today. In February 1837 Thomas Davenport was granted the first american patent for an electric motor. http://www.edisontechcenter.org/DavenportThomas.html
  • Invention of the Fuel Cell

    Invention of the Fuel Cell
    William Robert Grove was a Welsh lawyer before he invented the fuel cell. It is an object that combines both hydrogen and oxygen to create energy. He called it the Grove Cell. “Living Tomorrow fuel cell” by Luc Van Braekel is licensed under CC BY 2.0
  • Invention of the Telegraph

    Invention of the Telegraph
    Samuel Morse was the first to invent the telegraph. It completely changed the way long distance communication was used. In 1844 Samuel Morse sent his first telegraph message from Washington, D.C. to Baltimore, Maryland. “Telegraph Instrument” via The Metropolitan Museum of Art is licensed under CC0 1.0
  • First Lightbulb Invented

    First Lightbulb Invented
    Created by Thomas Edison. He filed the patent on October 14, 1878, but continued to test several types of material to improve his original design. In November 4, 1879, he filed another U.S. patent for an electric lamp. “Old lightbulb” by Tim Psych is licensed under CC BY 2.0
  • The First Battery

    The First Battery
    The first battery was made up of pairs of copper and zinc discs stacked on top of each other. They are separated by a layer of either cloth or cardboard that is soaked in brine. It was invented by Alessandro Volta. “Volta, Alessandro Conte” is licensed under PDM 1.0
  • Invention of the water power plant

    Invention of the water power plant
    The world's first hydroelectric power plant was built on the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin. The plant was built by H.J. Rogers. It produced about 12.5kW. “Longbridge Weir Hydroelectric power station, River Derwent, Derby” by Eamon Curry is licensed under CC BY 2.0
  • Wind Turbine Invented

    Wind Turbine Invented
    Charles Brush was a scientist and businessman. He built the first wind turbine to generate electricity. The turbine measured 17m tall. It used 144 cedar rotor blades and it had a capacity of 12kW. http://www.greenenergyohio.org/uimages/Brush_Windmill.jpg
  • Invention of the Solar Cell

    Invention of the Solar Cell
    Calvin Fuller and Gerald Pearson of the famous Bell Laboratories invented the first practical solar cell. Daryl Chaplin later joined in on the invention of the solar cell. They released their invention to the press on April 4, 1954. “Solar panel” by . . is licensed under CC BY 2.0