History of Transportation

By mak113
  • 3500 BCE

    The Invention of Wheels

    The Invention of Wheels
    The invention of wheels were added to carts that transported people, goods, etc.
  • 3500 BCE

    The Invention of Boats

    The Invention of Boats
    Boats designed to be used on the river were invented to also transport people, goods, etc.
  • 2000 BCE

    The Use of Horses

    The Use of Horses
    Horses were now coming into view in 2000BC to be used for various reasons. One reason is to pull carts.
  • The Invention of the Submarine

    The Invention of the Submarine
    Dutch inventor, Cornelis Drebbel, invented the submarine that allowed humans to travel underwater.
  • The Invention of Public Transportation

    The Invention of Public Transportation
    French inventor, Blaise Pascal, invented public transportation in France which obviously drifted into many other parts of the world.
  • The First Uses of Turnpike Roads

    The First Uses of Turnpike Roads
    Turnpike roads are privately owned roads that people had to pay the owner(s) to use.
  • The Invention of the First Vehicle

    The Invention of the First Vehicle
    French inventor, Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, was the first man to invent a vehicle that can be operated (driven) by man himself.
  • The Invention of the Steamboat

    The Invention of the Steamboat
    French Inventor, Marquis Claude de Jouffrey d'Abbans, claimed to have invented the first steamboat.
  • The Invention of Hot Air Balloons

    The Invention of Hot Air Balloons
    Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier, known as the Montgolfier Brothers, are the inventors of the first hot air balloon.
  • The Invention of Bicycles

    The Invention of Bicycles
    It is predicted by some historians that French inventor, Pierre Lallement, was the man who invented the first bicycle.
  • The Invention of the Ambulance

    The Invention of the Ambulance
    The use of the ambulance was created in Europe to help injured soldiers during the wars between Napoleon and his enemies.
  • The Invention of the First Passenger Steamboat

    The Invention of the First Passenger Steamboat
    American engineer, Robert Fulton, was the man to invent the first steamboat that transported passengers regularly.
  • The Invention of the Railroad Locomotive

    The Invention of the Railroad Locomotive
    English engineer, George Stephenson, invented the first steamed powered railroad locomotive that worked.
  • The Invention of the Electric Car

    The Invention of the Electric Car
    Scottish inventor, Robert Anderson, is the man who invented the first electric car.
  • The Invention of the Electric Car

    The Invention of the Electric Car
    Scottish inventor, Robert Anderson, is the man who invented the first electric car. Electric cars are still used today.
  • The Invention of the First Gas Engine Vehicle

    The Invention of the First Gas Engine Vehicle
    French inventor, Jean-Joseph-Étienne Lenoir, invented the first gas operated vehicle which is still in affect today although there have been many technological advances for vehicles.
  • The Invention of the First Cable Car

    The Invention of the First Cable Car
    British inventor, Andrew Smith Hallidie, was the man who invented the first cable car which is still in operation today - especially San Francisco, California.
  • The Invention of the Motorcycle

    The Invention of the Motorcycle
    German engineer, Gottlieb Daimler, invented the first motorcycle in 1885.
  • The Invention of the Diesel Engine

    The Invention of the Diesel Engine
    German inventor, Rudolf Diesel, invented the first diesel engine. Diesel engines are still used in many cars today.
  • The Invention of the Modernized Helicopter

    The Invention of the Modernized Helicopter
    The invention of the modern helicopter was the upgrade from the first failed helicopter that was invented in 1907. Helicopters are still in use today.
  • The Invention of the Seatbelt

    The Invention of the Seatbelt
    Swedish inventor, Nils Bohlin, invented the seatbelt in 1959. The seatbelt is still used 58 years later and more years to come.