History of the Wool Industry in Australia

  • First Sheep in Australia

    The First Fleet brought the initial population of 70 sheep from the Cape of Good Hope to Australia
  • First sheep use for wool

    Some of the first dozen Spanish Merinos were brought to Sydney from Africa. The sheep were acquired by Captain John Macarthur and Samuel Marsden. The Australian wool producers used selective breeding to breed the Merinos that suited to Australian condition.
  • First Auction of Australian Wool

    The 1st auction of Australian wool was held in London, at Garraway's Coffee House in Change Valley
  • What London Buyers Said

    London wool buyers: "That's the softest and finest fleece of wool ever!"
  • Australia Challenging Spain and Germany in the Wool Industry

    Australia was challenging Spain and Germany as the main suppliers of wool to England. Japan became the second biggest wool buyer of Australian wool, after England
  • 1ST Wool Auction in Australia for the Public

    Thomas Mort set up the 1st wool auction in Australia. It was held in Sydney. Most of the Australian wool was shipped to England for sale in auction rooms or by private deals.
  • Big Change in the Value of Wool Exports

    Between 1830 and 1850,the value of the wool export increased from 2 million pound to 41 million pound
  • Wool trading companies established offices in Australia

    Big wool trading companies established permanent offices in Australia
  • Australia-The no.1 wool producer and supplier

    Australia became the world no.1 wool producer and supplier. It was the golden time for the pastoralists, they built mansions other expensive structure
  • Sheep Number Increases

    During the long pastoral boom, the number of the sheep increased from 40 million to 106 million.
  • The Federation Drought cut the sheep number by 50 million

    The Federation Drought cut the sheep number by 50 million. This was of critical importance as at that time fleeces cost from 5 pounds to 10 pounds
  • During World War I

    In the 1st World War, wool was urgently needed for military uniforms and other military purposes. The English government purchased the whole Australian wool clip at a fixed price
  • The UK expanding the textile industry.

    The UK decided to purchase 50% of the total export.
  • The International Wool Secretariat formed

    The International Wool Secretariat formed and the formula for it's funding by 3 original partner countries (Australia, New Zealand and South Africa
  • Sheep Numbers Increase yet again

    The number of sheep increased to 180 million
  • Australian wool production increased

    A review of the 1980's showed favourable season and high demand, and Australian wool production increased to over 1000 million kg
  • The Australian wool Research and Promotion Organisation established

    The Australian wool Research and Promotion Organisation established under the Australian wool Research and Promotion Act.
  • Australian largest wool processor

    The wool processing industries in all the western country was challenged by China. China became Australian largest wool processor