John F. Kennedy is inaugurated as President
John Fitzgerald Kennedy is inaugurated as the 36th President of the United States. -
Martin Luther Kings gives his “I have a dream” speech
John F. Kennedy is assasinated
Lyndon B. Johnson gets inaugurated as President
Robert F. Kennedy is assasinated
Barry Goldwater defeats President Johnson
Barry Goldwater gets inaugurated as President
Martin Luther King is assasinated
Richard Nixon is inaugurated as President
The Stonewall riots
Apollo 11 lands on the moon
Richard Nixon gets re-elected as President
George Romney is inaugurated as President
Harvey Milk is assasinated
Ronald Reagan accepts the Republican nomination
John Lennon is assasinated
Ronald Reagan gets inaugurated as President
First Shuttle Launch
Columbia-I enters into orbit
Ronald Reagan gets re-elected
Vice President Bush gets elected as President
The U.S joins the Thomas Jefferson Institute
President George HW Bush resigns
Frank Underwood gets inaugurated as President
Period: to
War on Terror
President Underwood trial
President Underwood launches campaign
President Underwood Impeachment Address
Peter MacLeish gets elected as President
Peter MacLeish gets inaugurated as President
President MacLeish signs the “Vladivostok Accord”
Founding of the Atlantic Union
United Kingdom joins to the Atlantic Union
Dissolution of the Union of Nations
Wall Street collapses
Period: to
The 2001 Economic Crisis
January 6th attacks
George W. Bush gets elected
President Bush declares war on Russia
Joe Biden gets elected as President
Joe Biden gets inaugurated as President
Beginning of the American-Ardovian friendship
Beginning of the US.-Moroccan-relationship
Garett Walker is elected President
Beginning of the Ukrainian Revolution
Protest blasting in Moscow
President Joe Biden dies at 82
Wall Street Collapse
Period: to
The national shortage crisis
Mike Pence gets elected President
Drone strikes in Casablanca
President Pence’s corruption case
President of Ukraine
Collapse of the Russian Government
Gavin Newsom gets elected President
Gavin Newsom is inaugurated as President
The naval Norwegian blockade
The US. Congress approves the referendum
Hakeem Jeffries designated as acting President
Beto O’Rourke’s political rise
Prince George dies at 74
Legalization of same-sex marriage
The U.S joins Estefania College
Tulsi Gabbard sworn in as the first female VP
Second National Referendum