
History Of The United States Education System

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    The 17th Century

    In the 17th century, American education was not required and was often looked at as a luxury. Most children that were educated, only studied the Bible and Puritan morals. In 1635, Boston Latin School, the first public school opened in what now is The United States.
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    the 19th century

    In the 19th century education in the United States switched from a rich religious curriculum to a state common-based system.In 1873, a economic depression forced many schools to close.
  • Boston and the first African American School

    In 1820, Boston was the first state to open a primary school for African American students.
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    20th century: Moving Forward

    By the 1920s, The US economy was able to bounce back and reform the education system. By the 70s, technology started making its way into the classroom. Calculators were cheaper and most common at first, but as computers shrunk in size they started the tech revolution in schools.
  • Progressive Education Association

    The Progressive Education Association was established in all 50 states to keep progressing American public school education. The association believed in implementing democratic values into public school students. Members believed that democracy means active participation by all citizens in social, political and economic decisions. These values will affect their lives moving forward.
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

    This Supreme Court case ruled unanimously that racial segregation of children in public schools was unconstitutional.
  • Department of Education

    The Department of Education was established and every state had public schools, which outnumbered the private schools.
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    Education in the 2000s

    With new developments of technology, The United States was revolving a lot around their education system. STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is starting to advance all across the United States.
  • No Child Left Behind

    In 2002, the No Child Gets Left Behind act was put in place to enforce standardized testing, and make sure schools were doing their jobs. This held students, teachers, and administrators to a standard to make sure each role was on the same track.
  • The America Competes Act

    In 2007, The America Competes Act was created to help advance math, science, and engineering programs at school.
  • Common Core State Standards

    In June 2009, governors and state commissioners of education formally launched the Common Core State Standards Initiative. The point of the standards was to have a set of common standards across Math, English, and Science that every student must pass in order to further their education.
  • The Every Student Succeeds Act Replaces the No Child Left Behind Act

    The new (ESSA) law, which was signed by president Obama, builds on key areas of progress. The act was put in place to ensure that every student, teacher, admin, and parent has the right tools and information for students to move forward towards their careers.
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    2020 and the future of education

    As schools are advancing, some new issues surfaced in the beginning of 2020. The world went in full lockdown meaning schools had to close. Thankfully this time the advancement of technology helped students and teachers keep learning over the internet. Not to mention politics and the way people learn are changing.