History of the United Kingdom

By Tran!
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    The birth of Great Britian

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    H.M Queen Anne I

  • The Acts of Union and Treaty of Union

    The Kingdom of England (Wales Included) and The Kingdom of Scotland merges into the Kingdom of Great Britain.
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    H.M King George I

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    The Hanoverian Kings

  • Jacobite Revolt

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    PM Sir Robert Walpole (Whig)

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    H.M King George II

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    PM Henry Pelham (Whig)

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    The Seven Years War

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    H.M King George III

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    PM Lord Frederick North (Tory)

  • The American War of independence

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    PM William Pitt 'The Younger' (Tory and Whig)

  • Union with Ireland and the Formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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    Napoleonic Wars

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    PM Robert Banks Jenkinson Earl of Liverpool (Conservative)

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    H.M King George IV

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    H.M King William IV

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    Victorian Era

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    PM William Ewart Gladstone (Liberal)

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    PM Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (Conservative)